DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlDo the ETs do this to themselves at all? Do they practice planned obsolescence with those lower on the caste totem pole? Or is that something they only impose on other worlds? We see the Anunnaki have engaged in megalithic building, creating structures that have lasted thousands of years. In fact, many appear to be “overbuilt” and were destroyed only by direct attack and dismantling, and not degradation or decay. There are Roman structures still as strong and useful today as the day they were built. Why have we gotten away from that? How long do Anunnaki refrigerators last? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
With this question, you are thinking like a human, and by that we actually mean thinking more like an extraterrestrial. The problem of the physical plane is the focus on the material rather than the spiritual. So if you think about the fact that what you are seeing is desirable, the grand architecture and extravagant edifices representing tremendous prowess and technical capability to do things on a megalithic scale, are trappings of technology, not of an enlightened spiritual focus and purpose, necessarily. The one does not preclude the other but does not guarantee it either. In the case of the extraterrestrials, they long ago pursued the technological route to better their society, seeking creature comforts, and especially power and control not only of the environment but over one another and then other worlds. Such conquest depends on technological superiority, so this is an ultimate arms race we speak of, to become and ensure dominance as an apex predator within one's domain of influence and, ultimately, in encountering other races of beings, holding one's own against other apex predators—that is a dog-eat-dog existence by any accounting. We would say, from the standpoint of morality and spiritual integrity, there is no difference living in a Star Wars lifestyle, zooming around in spaceships to conduct warfare and conquest versus a primitive existence relying mostly on brute strength and things like large stones and club-like branches as weapons to compete. So what we are pointing out is that the extraterrestrials will not use planned obsolescence, knowing it is self-defeating, and only apply that through a kind of deception and corruption for other races of beings they control. But they do have blinders in not understanding they have traded higher awareness of the divine for a meager existence as power-hungry savages that will never be truly happy having lost the ability to love, and without love, life offers nothing but opportunities built on corruption needed to survive against others valuing only the wielding of power. The key to understanding this conundrum is that a life of the physical plane is, by definition, constricted, a life of limitation, because the capability of manipulating energy on a large scale, through consciousness alone, along with untold creative powers, are expressions of the light being. So all in the physical plane are greatly limited in capability and will suffer many challenges as a consequence. This is a kind of test to see if that situation brings out the best in you or the worst. Will the power you lack be sought through taking power from others to compensate? That is a slippery slope and the path of the extraterrestrials, universally. It has taken the advent of the divine human to create an opportunity to break free of this trap by maintaining enough spiritual alignment to do the right things to stay within divine alignment or regain that status if one strays. Time will tell how things work out here, but enough of you are doing the right things to win the contest over the much more powerful extraterrestrials, who are extravagantly more accomplished technologically, but nonetheless diminished beings because of their depravity.