DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionIf envy is the most dangerous of mental and spiritual indulgences, does this mean it is the most difficult affliction to heal? Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the most effective means to assist the jealous and envious to eventually find a new and more divine perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
It is true that a state of selfishness, that often gives rise to feelings of jealousy and envy around those who are perceived to have something one does not, is one of the more difficult quandaries to contend with and turn things around in a way that will help a person rise above their difficulty and return to divine alignment. It is often people with too great an impairment of their connection to the divine who have serious trouble with jealousy and envy. While these are common experiences at times, when the intensity is severe and prolonged these emotions become quite damaging to the self and will often corrupt a person to make poor choices, in a way attempting to compensate, but will make things worse. When that dilemma continues, over time there will be a worsening of things to drag a person further away from divine alignment and enter a downward spiral that will continue damaging the person's life. This becomes quite serious and will require a divine intervention to turn things around so a person can begin to make progress towards a better life and a happier existence. In order to have a divine intervention, one must have tools available that provide effective assistance with such a significant empowerment to enable rescuing someone from a dark path. At extremes, people will be so trapped and helpless, in being overcome with the dark state of being they have engendered in themselves, it will be quite difficult for them to reach for help, and certainly, to something so much higher in vibration than themselves, may well be impossible. If they are lucky, they will have someone who cares enough about them to arrange an intervention on their behalf. The tools for this are Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, because they have the means and the power to change anything, potentially. All have the ability to use prayer if they have the desire and the belief quotient that will allow the divine to act on the prayer request. Empowered Prayer is an important distinction, because it means prayer that has a greater ability to get results, because it will have built-in precision about what is needed and what the divine needs to bring to bear for the healing—that hard-won knowledge and insight was obtained by your channel, through divine revelation, in response to his diligent research and scholarly probing with us to find out how to go about praying for help in the highest and best way. The ultimate in healing tools is embodied in the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it is a comprehensive list of high-level informed prayer requests, in effect, that address any source of negativity that can befall a person and drag them down to become a darker state of being, harmful to themselves and others, through their worsening conduct. The Lightworker Healing Protocol can be self-employed by those with a high belief quotient in the divine but also must have belief in themselves. This will likely be lacking in someone exhibiting severe jealousy or envy and may be a rate-limiting liability that would get in the way of a divine intervention. We must, through the rules of engagement, honor human free will, and a state of helplessness, self-loathing, or self-doubt about worth, or a weak or lacking belief in the divine must be honored and we will stand aside and leave the person to their own devices for they have, in effect, chosen that to be the case even without realizing it. If someone is enlisted, as a practitioner of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to work on their behalf with the Lightworker Healing Protocol, that can make all the difference because it represents a source of human intention wanting their betterment and, when applied to speak for them and enlist divine assistance, can make all the difference in turning things around at least over time. Severe problems are often ones taking a long time to heal because they are often built on a huge backlog of unhealed trauma from many lifetimes of difficulty. This is why people can be so out of alignment to begin with, they get that way from their karmic trauma undermining them, and this becomes a kind of destiny if unopposed. This is the tragedy of being in a state of ignorance, that people do not realize a major responsibility in life is to deal with one's own karmic baggage, and for this they need not only that insight but the wherewithal—the tools. We have enlisted the help of your channel to bring these tools forward to share with humanity. If enough people embrace them and act on behalf of themselves and others, through such requests for divine help, this can indeed bring about saving and healing of humanity as a whole. What is needed is enough people doing Empowered Prayer and using the Lightworker Healing Protocol to make up for lost time, in addressing the large backlog of karmic trauma holding everything back, individually and collectively. If enough people engage in earnest to help heal the world, this will change the destiny of humanity for the better for all of time. There is much at stake because it is still uncertain whether humanity can survive the current level of dysfunction from being under threat by interlopers wanting to drag you down and destroy you. You can heal your way to victory over this onslaught through divine partnership. That is what these tools will help you to accomplish, but you must choose to use them and do the work. What you decide will determine your future, one way or the other.