DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaIs it true that the current Dark Alien Alliance plan for humanity currently favors complete annihilation as opposed to a reduced and heavily controlled human population?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
The intention of the extraterrestrials is to eliminate humanity. The exception is being made to provide a way for a representative sample involved with the abduction program conducted by the alien Greys, to sequester them and confine them, so that the research can continue. This is a reward for the Greys, being steadfast worker bees down through thousands of years of the project to rule the Earth and subjugate humanity. And so, in exchange for their service, some humans will be allowed to survive and will be in a special colony that will be heavily restricted, under constant watch, with few freedoms, and nothing resembling prior human civilization. This is not a world you wish to inhabit. That is the only choice that you will have if you wish to continue life as physical human. And so, if this happens the picture will be quite bleak indeed. You will not perish, in a true and complete sense, because your souls will live on. The penalty is that to contribute to this project, and reach a success, will require starting over from the beginning. And so, this could mean another period of one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand years, from its initiation, to reach a point of maturity, and gaining the wisdom needed to ascend to a new reality. It would mean much of the prior investment would have to be redone, reinvested. This is a very high price to pay indeed, when you are so close to a tipping point and being successful, and having had so much hard-won experience and knowledge in dealing with negativity, and overcoming and healing so many things, and a rich and full understanding of what it means to love and be loved, and the consequences of love's absence. This is a very, very unhappy potential. So you will not be destroyed, you will simply be denied your future you have come to earn and deserve in all other respects. A final push to overcome the suppression and stay true to divine unity, that is all that is needed—a reunification, so humans can speak as one and act as one, as a divine instrument. That will be the proof of your readiness to spread through the universe as a representative of the divine. With the rich heritage and seasoning, you will be able to handle anything that may come your way. This is the choice at hand, and this is why it matters. It is the loss of this investment. This is why you come down and subject yourselves again and again, to the risks of enslavement, of being treated unfairly, of being manipulated, of seeing loved ones thwarted and held back from their dreams—suffering of all sorts. It is to advance the cause of the light, and the human expansion into new realms and new possibilities. That can unwind with a major setback if this is allowed to take place. This is why we are bending the rules, somewhat, to help foster this awareness and understanding, because this is an overreaching by the interlopers, to be in your realm and be subjecting you to these extremes of manipulation. But they have latitude through their free will as well, and that is what makes this a contest. It is not that the divine realm cannot rescue you. It is that you must rescue yourselves, to graduate from this training exercise. It is a tough challenge and a daunting task on its face, but keep in mind the solution is simple and within your reach. It is there for the asking, it is there by the doing, and is not beyond your ability. It is only a matter of your seeing the need, and taking the action, to partner with us through direct requesting.