DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolIs one of the limitations on receiving retrocausal healing from healing requests made on other timelines, that it must take into consideration how much it will change about the recipient and their subsequent life, as well as perhaps many others influenced by the changes? How is that decided?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is very much the case, and it is decided on a case-by-case basis because every situation is different, every individual in the equation of cause and effect in the string of events that spread outward from someone needing the healing, as any change that affects their life will influence many others potentially as well, and many times the intertwining of lives of so many individuals make it extremely difficult to bring about a benefit for one, because it might cause the undermining of someone else, just because of the circumstances in what will change about the lives of those involved. So this has to be looked at very carefully to anticipate the end consequences as best that can be done by the divine realm, and then to proceed carefully, one step at a time, to not create something untoward of large magnitude that needs to be undone. While that is possible, it is complex and creates new problems along the way, and so will add to a burden and potential negative karmic consequences as well, so is best avoided in the first place. So this makes situations employing retrocausal healing, like all healing work, a high-level enterprise requiring divine care and oversight to do what is highest and best and avoid a misstep that is all too likely because of the complexity of so many interdependent energies whirling about and affecting one another in ways not always predictable.