DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReligionsIs there a true phenomenon of transubstantiation of the host given to represent the body of Christ and wine to represent the blood of Christ, during Holy Communion as practiced by Christians?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
You will be surprised to learn that this actually happens. It is not the literal creation of a portion of Christ’s body within your own or actual blood with blood cells and plasma representing the blood of Christ and its original blood type. It is a more profound transubstantiation to take the energy of the materials ingested during the Communion ritual and transmute their energy to the embodiment of all he represented as a divine messenger. The consequence will be a kind of grand enhancement of the spiritual connection by the recipient as the energy and vibration of divinity will be enhanced significantly and will be on the wavelength of Jesus Christ himself because that is the intention of the Communion ritual itself, to have an embodiment of Christ Consciousness, so to speak. So this is not a trivial or, to some, a primitive and even off-putting suggestion that smacks of cannibalism. Being a ritual, it takes liberties with literal truth in the absence of a fuller scientific understanding of what is truly possible in the delivery of energies for such a purpose, but intuitively was seen to have great significance at the time of its inception. And this was divinely impulsed wisdom to get the ritual going, so people could take advantage of this great blessing as a way of enhancing their spirituality and bringing them into harmony with Jesus Christ in a very direct and meaningful way.