DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessLike many things in our lives, the deep subconscious appears to have a significant role in what happens during sleep. Can Creator share how the deep subconscious contributes to the necessity for sleep and the sleep experience?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The deep subconscious does not sleep and has no need for sleep. It is very much a state of consciousness that is not dependent on physical processes per se, it is independent of the brain functioning and is therefore directly supported by the energetic state incorporated in the body energy layers in the influx of divine life force energy to keep the being going. This has a number of advantages because it keeps awareness at all hours, at least on a deep level of the mind, and also allows 24 hours a day to process many things of interest and deemed of value and importance for maintaining personal welfare. There is extensive reviewing on an ongoing basis of the akashic records to learn all one can about all manner of opportunities and potential obstacles that might be seen as a road hazard, and the deep subconscious will want to explore what it knows about the possibilities when new things are happening to the self as it views the unfolding life experience in progress. It does a great deal of worrying about all that it sees and takes in and it is also responsible for interacting with the body to help regulate things. Most notably, it will trigger the stress response if called for and this is one of the reasons it needs to maintain its vigilance so any hazards do not go unnoticed but rather a warning will be sounded and the person roused from sleep, and the stressful feelings will sharpen the senses and the conscious self will in most cases quickly see what is amiss and begin making decisions in how to react. The purpose of the stress response is to support the emergency mode of such experiences, to make energy available to heighten the senses, and to ramp up heart rate and respiration in case fight or flight might be needed. The hormonal changes as well support increased physical vigor and stamina for a time which may well be needed in an emergency. The deep subconscious also fuels the dream state with many scenarios and plot lines garnered from its surveys of other timelines recorded within the akashic records that are unfolding in parallel with the current life. The many concerns that are raised may well be a springboard for examining potential contingencies and sorting among various alternative strategies for how to best respond and deal with the circumstances it fears may happen. So it is a kind of play that is mounted with the self as a primary protagonist acting out various circumstances and then reacting to events as they unfold. This is a way of planning and experiencing in advance various alternatives in the variety of outcomes that might happen. Most people have experienced being in a dream and then halting the action, backing up, and starting in a new direction to vary the plotline in some respect, to perhaps gain greater advantage or save the self from something that is beginning to look hazardous. This is the working through of the strategizing we are discussing here. It is an advanced look-see at what might happen and gaining a kind of experience through a dry run, so to speak. It is like war-gaming one’s life in the manner of a military organization looking at all the what-ifs about planning for a battle and trying out various tactics through modeling. This is very helpful for maintaining a healthy equilibrium because in the process of the dream state there can be an outlet for pent up emotions that need to be satisfied in some way or another in having some kind of outlet. This is the next best thing, it is the mirror image of having a vicarious experience as in watching a motion picture and seeing what a character on screen does, and feeling a bit like the viewer is that individual and can enjoy in a secondhand fashion the joys or sorrows, as the case may be, as the plot unfolds for the actors. This is a kind of playacting that allows the exhibition and discharge of emotions that have built up from the survey of other timeline events and experiences which then need an outlet of some kind to discharge the emotional consequences of being privy to many dark doings and other sources of stress. So the dream state, including nightmares, is a healthy outlet for this purpose.