DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerRecounted from Guideposts.org, in 1998 a four-year-old boy was wasting away from a mysterious stomach illness. His mother called a local convent and implored the sisters there to pray for her son. They did, for nine days, praying to Mother Maria Theresia, the founder of the convent. Within a month the boy made a full recovery. Fourteen years later Mother Maria Theresia was canonized and is now Saint Maria Theresia largely based on this one miracle. Can Creator share the backstory, as well as any role the soul who was once Mother Maria Theresia played in the outcome?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Mother Theresia was, indeed, involved in bestowing her energy as well to the healing efforts with her well wishes and her inner inspiration of her compatriots, who honored and revered her and were connected to her energy energetically in the course of their work as devout souls, and wanting to emulate her wisdom and merciful love she bestowed on so many others during her life. That example, living through the members of that convent, became a conduit of energy launching powerful requests to the divine on the behalf of that four-year-old boy. Here again, we have an example of the power of group prayer to win the day. In addition, as this story describes, they prayed not once but over and over again. This is another principle of successful leveraging that can be applied to any human requests mounted through prayer. It is not always enough to make your desires known to the divine, particularly if the intention behind the request is a mixed one because of doubt and lack of belief. A workaround is to pray early and often. Do not wait until things reach the crisis stage. You can start praying as soon as you know there is a problem of any kind brewing, let alone well-entrenched, let alone after a long period of a downward spiral when death might even be imminent. It is easier to prevent something than to fix it. It is easier to heal something in the early stages than after extensive damage within the body has taken place. This applies to the power of the mind as well, that when it is simply a glimmer of disquieting symptoms it will be easier for the sufferer to dispense with the illness than after it has been formally diagnosed, given a dire name, and a dark and grim prognosis that gets carved in stone within the consciousness of the patient and gives rise to many inner negative beliefs, any number of which will slow down divine healing because we cannot go against the beliefs of a person even to save their life. This is when extra energy and additional advocates on one’s behalf can make all the difference. Thoughts are things and create an energy that persists. When you launch a thought, it survives, it goes into a collective repository of conscious manifestations and, as such, that can be repurposed and used over and over in fact by the divine realm on your behalf. This is good to know about and keep in mind because you can request that prayers be enacted over and over as rapidly as feasible to speed the benefit to the one in need. So these nuns were providing a great service and showing their divinity as well as the wisdom of knowing they have more power as a collective than individually. It could well have been the practice for an individual nun to be assigned the task of praying for that boy and his recovery rather than burden all in the convent with that responsibility, yet they took it on as a group and further invoked their mentor and spiritual leader, Mother Theresia. This cemented the link to the divine realm very nicely in a way that increased their individual and collective belief in the possibility of divine intervention being summoned by their efforts in prayer. This is the benefit of having some variety and flexibility in how one goes about mounting prayers. It is what one believes in that will be most powerful and, in the end, most effective if the prayers include an iconic figure that is a part of the divine realm. This is because if a person has a very strong inner connection that is cultivated over a span of time thinking about that lofty being, identifying with it, and cultivating a kind of relationship by reaching out again and again with requests for the help and betterment of others as well as the self, when they are called on to mount prayers for a stranger in dire circumstances, it is that familiarity in the relationship with the divine realm that can mount a strong intention for that to happen in what otherwise might be a quite off-putting or forbidding responsibility being put in their hands. If you stop and think about this, you will realize if someone comes to you in desperation and tells you their loved one is dying and they want you to save them through your prayers, if you take that request seriously and it is genuinely transferring to you as your burden, it may well be daunting and even disturbing if your belief is not rock solid that you can summon the divine through your requests alone to call forth miracles. Few people have that strength of inner conviction they can be so effective, so to have that responsibility usually falls to those who do this as a regular practice, as a part of their life’s work, as with members of the clergy. The truism that "Practice makes perfect" applies to interacting with the divine realm just as in other spheres of life. This is why daily prayer for many, many things is a wonderful personal development strategy because when a crisis looms, you will not feel awkward and ill-equipped to go to bat for someone as their advocate; it will be second nature to you through long experience of partnering with the divine. You will be more successful than even a sufferer’s loved ones might be unless they, too, are highly practiced and comfortable making outreaches to the divine. Many can pray effectively for others but not so effectively for themselves or even for loved ones because they have been corrupted to believe it is selfish to do so, that they are unworthy, that humans are born in sin and must seek forgiveness first, and so on. This disempowerment is not divine and does get in the way of human achievements, including interacting with us, and will get in the way of getting the assistance you deserve and need. So this was a beautiful example of group effort on the strength of inner conviction that the divine is real, that they are worthy agents for summoning divine rescue, and put their heart and soul into the exercise with splendid results.