DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindSome people even go into a somnambulistic trance when driving and report that hours can pass by without their conscious awareness or any recollection of the drive itself. Yet they safely reach their destination, as if by “magic.” The other day, Brian was driving his daughter home and engaged in a conversation with her. Suddenly he found himself on a familiar street going in a direction away from his destination. Brian realized he had no recollection of making the necessary right-hand turn to get on that street. He had a full amnesia of it. This was the first time in his entire life, that he vividly experienced this phenomenon with full recognition of the implications. Was this orchestrated to happen? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The phenomenon you describe has been widely recognized, at least among hypnotists, as representing people operating in a trance state spontaneously without having a formal induction by a hypnotist, but rather experience a kind of self-hypnosis where the mind goes into a kind of reverie, thinking other thoughts not about the physical activity underway, in this case, driving an automobile. It is normal for the mind to develop the learning through muscle memory, which is a manifestation of cellular consciousness and its ability to capture and reproduce many complex maneuvers of the body quite reproducibly. This comes in very handy for everyone because it makes life much, much easier to have many routine functions seemingly carried out almost on autopilot with very little need for focus and concentration. Children can spend a tremendous amount of time when very young simply learning how to tie their shoes, but by the time they are an adult they can do it in their sleep because it is all committed to cellular consciousness and the body can be directed to go through the motions needed to see to it with little oversight, other than to get things started, to find the ends of the shoelaces through vision, but from there the hands and fingers know what to do. So this phenomenon occurs frequently during driving because it has much routine and can be quite boring done for a length of time. Even for short drives when the terrain is quite familiar, there is little need for high level focused attention because the routes have been learned already and the mind and body, on a subconscious level, can work together to get a person from A to B with little recall of what took place in between. This is called "Highway Hypnosis" and it causes little harm, in most cases, because the subconscious mind is doing the driving and it will, in fact, be watching out for hazards. This is why someone can be driving along with their mind seemingly elsewhere, from their conscious level of awareness, but then suddenly be drawn to something unfolding in the road ahead of them and snap back to attention, and then apply the brakes or a steering maneuver to avoid something on the road, for example. What has happened is the subconscious has alerted them that something unusual needs their attention, and so conscious awareness answers the call and the thoughts are paused for a time while the person can take a look at how things are going, and then will see a potential hazard and take evasive action if needed. Your diversion from the intended route was indeed an impulse to redirect your journey, simply to play games with you, and this was indeed done by the interlopers and was possible because, in a sense, you were not on duty, you were letting the subconscious and the body itself be in control of the drive and not your conscious oversight. That vulnerability was simply exploited to create an embarrassing error and get your attention, in a very real sense, playing a trick on you at your expense. As such, this is a low-level intrusion and not a major safety hazard, nor is it typical of your status, as you are blessed with great divine oversight and protection, but it is good to have an occasional awareness that vulnerability can develop for anyone under the right circumstances. So every person needs to keep their wits about them and pay attention to things because there is a wildcard, in the form of the interlopers wanting to cause trouble, and may seize an opportunity to do so when you least expect it, in a moment of complacency, and get the upper hand, and this can cause an accident or worse.