DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReincarnationThe fact a precise skill like swinging a baseball bat a certain way, “comes through” and is displayed in a child of extremely tender age, begs a couple of questions. Where is the so-called “muscle memory” in this? We think of muscle memory as something we train a physical body to execute, and that even if there is a soul that survives death, “muscle memory” must surely die along with the physical body. Yet, the skill displayed by the young Christian Haupt brings all that into question. Does muscle memory and even cellular memory survive the death of the physical body? If so, why is this kind of explicit display seen in Christian Haupt so seemingly rare? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is an interesting question breaking new ground here scientifically. It indeed is the case that so-called "muscle memory," as a component of cellular memory, can be reinstilled by referencing the akashic records and harvesting and translating into the new being the energetic signature of basic functions associated with important skills, talents, and accomplishments. Whether it is something involving the performing arts, an intellectual pursuit, or athletic talent, as examples where a prodigious knowledge or a prodigious and exquisite physical prowess, or a combination of physical prowess with mental and emotional resonance, as in the musical prodigy, takes place, one is reawakening things worked on previously and developed to a high degree. The universe is designed to promote an expansion, and what that means is there are many ways things are designed to provide a platform that can be refined and enhanced over time, and referenced again in the future so one has a better starting point in a new life than they had in a previous life because what was learned is on file. This is not to say you will have a retrieval of everything you have ever known and everything will be at least at the same level of capability. We are speaking of basic capabilities here, not the exquisite details. So a musical prodigy will not spontaneously play concertos written by other composers because they did so in a prior lifetime, as a contemporary perhaps of the original creator of the composition. What translates from their prior musical lifetimes is the basic talent, meaning the ability to understand and have a feel for music and the workings in how things are organized within the mind and body to interconnect and facilitate musical expression, and to have an inner harmony with and resonance with musical tones and combinations, the language of music, and the emotional interplay as a motivation and a reward, both, from working at composition or performance. The greater the ability to connect with detail and precision, the more profound this recapitulation will be expressed, and more impressive will be the level of capability harvested through those mechanisms. Your characterization of this as "seemingly rare" is not because it is truly rare, only that it is rarely appreciated to be happening. Most talents of all kinds are a restrengthening, a reconnection with, and a revisiting of foundations laid in multiple previous lifetimes to help people have proficiency with language, with numbers, with mechanical objects and concepts, with talent for using the body in various ways for athletics, for dance, playing an instrument, and so on.