DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divinely Inspired MessengersThe fact we have learned that Saint Faustina heard both the words of Jesus, and those of interlopers, creates a difficult dilemma for anyone wanting to use her diary for inspiration. Perhaps the best advice for us is the same advice her confessor, Father Jozef Andrasz, gave to her early in her vocation, “If these inspirations are not in accord with the faith or the spirit of the Church, they must be rejected immediately as coming from the evil spirit.” Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the best means by which we can obtain divine assistance to know what is truly divine in origin, and what is not, as well as obtain the confidence and trust needed to do this consistently?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
What you are talking about, in essence, is the need to develop a truth detector, a way of knowing what is true, what is false, what is good, and what may be an encroachment by the darkness wanting to get a foothold. It often acts in that way to create a misunderstanding, a misperception, a slight distortion that, if embraced, will lead to further lessening of things, and that slippery slope may be the undoing of someone if they have no way to be guided back to divine alignment. People are working at a great disadvantage because their intuitive reach has been compromised through no fault of their own. This was the result of a genetic manipulation done long, long ago by the interlopers. That has done much damage because your nonlocal consciousness, the intuitive reach, is capable of seeing truth and falsehood quite clearly, and can be an unwavering guide to follow what is right and true and avoid that which is less so. The best way to cultivate your native ability, to discern what is divine or nondivine, is to request divine healing to shore up what might be in a weakened or incomplete state and strengthen your capabilities, repair what is compromised that might be holding you back and preventing your advancement. It is ironic that the best way to overcome a weakened faith in the divine is through divine help, but it is true that many things in the way of belief were put there by interlopers wanting to harm you, and the only way to undo the harm is through divine assistance, so you have no choice but reaching to the divine for assistance here. Even when belief might be uncertain, if you want to be close to God, for your faith to grow, for your belief to become rock solid and a source of great strength, you can ask the divine to help you and we will. The best place to start is with daily use of our recommended prayers. It is no different than an athlete who, as a child, might admire a sports figure and want to be like them but may not have even yet played that sport, nor would they be able to do so effectively and compete with others. That will require growth, learning, a reawakening of natural talents and abilities, and a strengthening through extensive repetition to practice that craft over and over to build the muscles and the skill level so it becomes ingrained and automatic. This you can do, in building your faith in us, simply through daily prayer. The more you do it, the more your faith will develop, and the more your prayers will be answered and give you feedback about your progress. You will change from within and will like the changes. It is often the case that extensive healing is needed for deeper issues, given the long history of most individuals through having had hundreds of lifetimes of difficulty, suffering, and many times failures. That is not a good springboard for happiness and success with a new incarnation, given that the Law of Karma will bring back around to you the negativity you left unhealed in those prior lives. That will be your greatest challenge, in fact, the accumulated trauma of other lifetimes. You can get divine help, and that will enable you to level the playing field, through divine grace, and make progress even though you are coming from so far behind. We want you to succeed, we want you to win, we will do everything we can to help you, but the rules of engagement have been agreed to long ago, that by putting you in charge of the world and of your own soul's journey, you must choose what you do from moment to moment as well as from day to day—where you put your focus, what goals you set, what you desire to see happen, and what you are willing to do to take action in moving towards meeting those goals through your contributions. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the best tool for divine healing there is. It covers the range of needs comprehensively for all types of negativity. We have worked with your channel in partnership to answer his many probings and endless questions about healing, how to bring it about, how to invoke it, and has been quite successful in arriving at this effective and powerful tool for divine assistance. It is there for you to use but you must choose to do so. If you do, you will be healed more and more and, in the process, raised up to be all the more effective and successful in everything you take on, and this includes overcoming the challenges faced by humanity which threaten its continued existence. You can be the change agent making the difference in the continued existence of the Divine Human Free Will Experiment. You have everything to gain by embracing your divinity and working to hone it and strengthen it. It is healing that brings enlightenment, there is no other way.