DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersThe following are assumptions related to Satanic Ritual Abuse. The Extraterrestrial Alliance is keenly aware of our potential and divine capabilities. This they would have seen exhibited by some of the great avatars down through the ages. Due to their jealousy and fear, they will do anything to prevent us from ascending. An effective strategy to do this would be to take a few million humans and subject them to chronic trauma which creates a severe wounding to the collective consciousness of mankind. This in turn affects humanity as a whole because each one of us carry the wounded in our hearts and prevents us from being fully happy, or ascended. Are these, in fact true?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is partly a correct view and partly incorrect. They do not fear or have jealousy towards humans. They despise humans and view them as inferior. They do have a certain respect for human consciousness and its power. They assume anything humans do that thwarts their plans has something to do with human consciousness when pooled together with people working in unison. They have seen this over and over again in various settings and do not believe in or accept the idea of a divine being that might listen to human requests for help and act on their behalf in a mysterious way that is unobservable directly to establish a clear cause and effect. So they see the human yearnings, they see the many outreaches in prayer to a higher power, but do not believe that is what is creating any benefit that might happen. They think it is human thought alone and that people themselves fail to understand their own dynamics and the nature of the energy of thought because humans are so backward and primitive in their scientific understanding of the forces in the universe. They do not understand the concept of heaven as being a reality. They view the human life cycle as being somewhat mysterious but nothing more profound than the metamorphosis of an insect that goes through various stages and then appears in a final form. So the human comings and goings from the physical dimension and reincarnating again as a physical being, they do not view as a spiritual undertaking or demonstration. So they do not view the ideas of a human ascension as anything more than wishful thinking on the part of humans. They have seen in the future that when humans come into alignment with one another, such an event could happen and want to prevent this. They do not understand the consequences that would ensue. But to the extent it is appealing to human, they simply want to prevent it because this is how they think—taking away something from others they view as benefitting the self, if only in the idea, but this is what perversity means, "a kind of thoughtless disregard for the rights and feelings of others and a selfish attempt to take whatever one can for oneself." So they like killing for the sake of killing. It makes them feel powerful and they enjoy demonstrating their prowess and proficiency in doing such things, and they need not have a deep understanding of future potentials and the elegance of Creator’s Plan for human ascension. So they are doing many things that are actually delaying the ascension because it cannot happen due to all the human wounding, so there is clear interconnection there, that it is being thwarted by extraterrestrial manipulations. The resilience of humanity is a puzzle to them because they have intended your annihilation a number of times and each time something happened to cause a delay, and this is a puzzle for them because they are so greatly superior in every respect that they believe counts, so it is something of an enigma that humans are still here. So they are determined to change the trajectory for the worse once again and are less interested in fine-tuning and small endeavors to give them temporary amusements and rewards, but are wanting to move forward with a wholescale annihilation within the decade and if possible within the next five years. They will be quite happy to be rid of humans. So the task at hand, through the requests of divine human for help, will be to change the plans so that the extraterrestrials get their wish with respect to separating from involvement with humanity but not through a wholesale annihilation, but simply a prudent decision to leave the scene and involve themselves elsewhere. They have already conquered humanity and run roughshod over your world for millennia, and are still at such a primitive state of knowledge they simply do not fear anything you might do in the way of future progress that could represent any threat to them whatsoever. That is why this solution is workable, it is essentially persuading them to avoid taking a parting shot to destroy you on their way out the door, so to speak.