DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolThe practitioner continues: “Then the last one was my brother. He’s been having an extremely hard time. I take everything in the Protocol very seriously and he’s pretty sensitive so I haven’t personally told him what I feel is going on with him but it is a lot. I also realize that because I have a personal connection to him that my feelings and emotions may be getting in the way, or he may be having to learn a lesson right now. So if there is a way to give me some feedback on how I’ve been doing I would greatly appreciate that.” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here again, we cannot fill in blanks for you about working on your brother with respect to his liabilities and struggle, but you know he very much needs the healing that is possible through the Protocol. You do not need to worry about being too close to him in offering this work. It is when you are doing so openly, and setting yourself up as an authority of sorts, that it becomes more difficult to be effective for the practitioner because there are issues of ego concern and the fragility of the practitioner’s confidence level when there is a situation they set in motion where they will ultimately be judged by someone close to them, who is in a position to wound feelings through their judgment of what happens or does not happen, as the case might be. This is why doing the work as an unsung hero is often the best route to take because you are not putting yourself on the line, and your reputation. As with most people receiving session work with the Protocol, things are in motion now for him that would not otherwise be. There is much here that will take time to bear fruit so there is no reason to judge yourself. You are not taking on a responsibility for his life and his ultimate welfare, that is a function of his karma and is on his shoulders. You are reaching beyond your obligations to be a kind of steward and protector with a desire to assist his life journey. That is a high calling and it is the blessing of the lightworker, that you are willing to step forward in this way and give of yourself and in a sense put yourself at risk emotionally, if not in a physical sense. But again, we would encourage you to relax and trust us because we are the ones implementing your requests and have the ultimate responsibility for what does or does not happen as a consequence. You have done your part quite beautifully, that is what matters for the practitioner and is all you can truly do, is launch the requests in doing a session and give it your all in working from the heart and holding a loving vibration, a genuine desire for the benefit of another—that is an act of love in all respects that will raise you up in the doing, not only in the moment in participating in conveying healing energy that will benefit you in the bargain, but also accruing positive karma from the gifting of a blessing to fellow beings of all kinds as the Protocol is a mass process for the totality of creation within your galaxy—that is no small thing, it is the opposite, something far beyond what people would ever attempt to do themselves, but that is part of the beauty of the enterprise, to help make you aware of your divinity and give you an opportunity to step into those shoes in a real way to bring about miracles for many others. You may never learn all the details of all the good works that result from your sessions, but one day you will be shown this and will be very, very pleased that you stepped forward to contribute in this way.