DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingA client asks: “How effective are deep subconscious channeling sessions for physical ailments, specifically for my partner’s Temporal Lobe Epilepsy?” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This could be very helpful. It will not be helpful for all such situations because there are many variables in play. There are often deep karmic roots involving dozens to even hundreds of lifetimes in terms of the discrete events that may have a common thread, building up a karmic deficit that requires a rebalancing impossible for a person to take on all at once, and might end up as a fatal consequence in life after life in the foreshortening. It is always worth the attempt because everything contributes, whether it resolves symptoms in the current life or simply makes it more likely to be a less severe manifestation in future lives, and of course it is quite case‑specific. So in the case of this particular individual, we see there is a possibility of producing a benefit but it could take a large number of sessions to do so. So be aware that this is not a simple quick fix situation but even a few sessions will have an impact on the eventual time course of things, karmically speaking, that is where the greatest benefits will manifest. The inner blocks to healing represented by negative beliefs within the mind of the client are a rate-limiting step always in what the divine can do to assist a person. There is still the long-term consequence of the amount of disarray needing to be undone by the divine healing work, that even without inner roadblocks a great deal of time is typically needed to turn such things around. So it will not always be immediately rewarding to fund a round of deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution because there may not be perceptible changes in the near-term that one would typically ascribe to that intervention as the cause. It is less likely that in months or years one would think what is done today is what made the difference over that long a span of time, but, in fact, is typical of work done intuitively, whether through the Lightworker Healing Protocol or a facilitation through channeling to do trauma resolution, to remove inner negative beliefs and resolve discrete trauma events, often in other lifetimes, as that process affords. Simply removing the speed bumps represented by what the mind is holding onto so strongly through that wounding can be enough to accelerate the timetable for healing to a significant degree, and even if not perceived in time to reward the channeling work with feedback and gratitude, you can know in sponsoring such work you are setting in motion such an eventuality in most situations, meaning at least greater than 50%. For the others, the reward might be less dramatic in the current life but will make future lives better to a significant degree. There will always be a benefit, it is just a matter of when the benefits become noticeable, that is a variable.