DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionThe website Edubirdie.com in an article called, The Peculiarities Of Envy Sin, had this to say about envy: “Dante’s Inferno depicts envy to be one of the most unforgivable sins that a person can commit. It is heavily depicted to be connected to pride, and this is evident based on Dante’s organization of Hell.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
We would agree that envy is a serious matter because it is highly dangerous to personal wellbeing and long-term stability and success. It gets the wrong juices flowing and alters a person's vibration to lower them by the departure from divine alignment that results from their dark perspective. The irony of it being a personal choice, and one's own doing, adds a kind of insult to the injury, and this is why it is a risk factor always because it will be seen by the Law of Karma as a transgression calling for restitution, in some way or another, to serve as an object lesson for the envious individual to help instruct them about the error of their ways. And the object lesson might be quite a painful comeuppance to bring them up short and compound the situation through imposing additional negativity they must deal with. The purpose of that being a kind of punishment is, first, to get their attention and then, secondly, to be a motivation to change things for the better, in some way or another, to retrace their steps, take a different fork in the road, and find a way to make restitution through a repayment of debt, karmically. If the envy is solely internalized as personal feelings and not acted on in some fashion, the damage is to the self alone and only secondarily to those the person might depend on, if they are not in good alignment as a consequence, and their performance in life suffers in some way indirectly. If the period of envy and its intensity are sufficient, the consequences might be seen as quite severe by the Law of Karma, and that would call for a serious life lesson to be brought about as a corrective maneuver. And here again, the reason this is likely is because envy brings with it often other dark emotions as well, and will tend to contaminate the thinking in other respects and carry over into other aspects of the person's life, because it creates a kind of mindset after a while, and will spur the person on to compensate in some way. The pitfall is that rather than change themselves in some way to enhance their being, and better measure up to the perceived gap compared to someone else, they will look for ways to drag the other person down, and might even indulge in a kind of vendetta to get even with the perceived wrong when they are only judging themselves as having a lesser status. But once they choose to act in ways to cause harm, that will up the ante and the karmic debt will increase enormously because now there are two victims, the self as well as the other party seen as being superior in some way, if they are attacked in some way to even the score through gossip, backstabbing, or some act of sabotage to interfere with their life. Such acts of anger are a serious matter and the Law of Karma will see to a day of reckoning and it might be quite painful when that day comes.