DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaThen there is the “Good Samaritan” dilemma. There is no shortage of people in need in this world. And there is a line of thinking that the need itself is one’s invitation, or even mandate in the opinion of some, to intervene for their benefit and upliftment. The downside is the ever-present risk of unintended consequences. One is the often overlooked acquisition of a “responsibility.” For instance, there is a legal recognition of duty to complete a rescue once commenced. There is no duty to rescue a drowning person, especially if you yourself cannot swim. But, once you make the decision to try and rescue, you are now bound by law to make every reasonable effort to complete the task. Failure to do so can result in liability to the victim. What is Creator’s perspective on the all or nothing perspective toward “Good Samaritans?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here again, one must choose to act in a way that is evenhanded and balanced in terms of the competing needs in this circumstance. When there is an extreme outcome, such as the death of an individual in danger, this is perhaps the greatest of trials to the conscience as well as the karmic standing of a person witnessing the dilemma of a helpless individual. If to attempt to rescue would be fatal to both, there is nothing noble in the attempt, even though the choice seems quite agonizing to a person used to taking action, and in that instance, whatever and whomever is responsible for the plight of the person destined to die in the event underway will be causing secondary wounding to anyone observing the drama and feeling caught up in things because they are a witness to tragedy, but are helpless and can do nothing truly effective to prevent what is happening and will carry the trauma, even as a witness alone, so there will be two victims in the outcome. Just witnessing something one is helpless to change is a trauma because the soul demands more of the self, and it is through the empathy one feels in witnessing the tragedy that causes a diminishment and a true loss through a wounding that will be inevitable to anyone with any sensitivity to the feelings of others. This is why most people in such a situation, if there is a reasonable chance of saving someone in danger, will go to great lengths to help if they can, even with a personal risk of injury, and in many cases, even when there is a chance or even likelihood of death. It is because of the wounding to the self that will happen regardless that makes it so intolerable to remain as an observer doing nothing to help. People simply do not want this on their conscience as life has taught them there will be a price, there will be a wound that happens, and something they will think about again and again, and wonder whether they were simply being a coward and will fear judgment of others as well as the self, and do not want to live with that label hanging over them, even only self-imposed when no one else is around to view what happens. The divine nature on display in most humans is the greater wisdom that one does have an obligation inherently, being part of the human family, to see to the needs of one another and to help others in need when one can, and most will be sensitive to this inner imperative and even take a personal risk, and certainly inconvenience and discomfort to go out of one’s way to be of assistance and preventing great harm to someone or perhaps a fatal outcome that is preventable. This is in keeping with the divinity of the true makeup of each person being an extension of Creator’s consciousness and therefore part of the divine directly, so it is going against one’s true nature and origin to turn a blind eye to the suffering of someone being threatened. This will only happen when there has been some corruption so that a person turns away because of great inner fear it has caused, or through selfishness from becoming insensitive to the plight of others because their disconnection from their higher self and a higher awareness of their own soul’s makeup has rendered them heartless and unable to experience love and relate to the needs of others by truly feeling in sympathy with their dilemma. There are many individuals who are heavily corrupted in this way so, in fact, the desire to go out of one’s way to help to whatever extent one can, is a test of character and divine alignment.