DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessThere are extremely rare individuals who purportedly remember “everything” that ever happened to them in great detail. They can tell you what they had for breakfast 30 years earlier on any given day. Is this true?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is true but it is rare. It is manifested most commonly among the autistic, who in a sense are experiencing the highest state of being while encased in a physical body that cannot keep up with its level of experiencing and expression but will often be able to signal in some way the nature of what it is experiencing. So these capabilities are on record. There are people with perfect recall and they can read seemingly voluminous sources of facts and information and recite it at will, go to specific page numbers in specific works and recite verbatim what appeared there. This is simply showing that consciousness has a vast capability beyond the meager talents of the physical being with its greatly limited reach especially when it comes to the experiencing and expression of consciousness in action. The physical limitations are obvious, but the mental ones are painfully evident as well but do not reflect the reality of the vastness of your non-local consciousness. Those who have perfect recall of information are able to connect to and display that aspect of non-local consciousness, that it can access information seamlessly anywhere from any time and bring it into awareness. The limitation is solely that of the person’s own mind and the brain’s ability to display it, in effect, through the workings of the mind within the physical aspect of the body as opposed to the intuitive level which is more akin to the imagination being an internal experiencing of the workings of consciousness more directly.