DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingUsing deep subconscious channeling with HMR, we see many more past life traumas than current life. Is this appropriate because the deeper karmic roots are more impactful and the request used in carrying out the facilitation is to identify when the client first feels the issue? Or does the approach, despite this possible bias, focus to prioritize what the deep subconscious is most concerned about, and that level of the mind can almost uniquely see and worry about past life dilemmas?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
It is a bit of both, but more the latter. The unique benefit of deep subconscious channeling is its unique access to the deep subconscious that can be reached no other way, and not by the upper levels of the mind, conscious or subconscious. Why it is important to do so is chiefly because, given the wider purview of the deep subconscious to know what has happened in other lifetimes and is going on currently in fact, that looping of influence through time to influence the person in the living with all of those doings becomes quite important, and the fact that many more lives have been lived than the single life in progress, from the client’s perspective, it is simply universally the case that prior traumas will greatly outweigh what has happened during the current life for most individuals. There are some with quite severe trauma histories, for example, in the current childhood, who will need to work on those as a high priority and, in fact, it might be a state of emergency, in fact, to get to work on those first before addressing deeper karmic links to similar episodes in other lifetimes, but that will be borne out by what emerges during the session work itself. Keep in mind, because you are asking for Creator’s assistance to call on that part of the mind with the greatest involvement and concern, with respect to healing the issue of the day, to step forward, that can be factored in and will help guide things so the current life will not remain a lower priority simply because the deep subconscious has the largest voice and might be biased to working on material in other lifetimes because there are so many on its radar. Creator can help to guide things to maintain an appropriate balance. In most cases, working on the deep karma in other lifetimes will resolve things sufficiently to obtain symptomatic relief for most issues, even if those events in the current life are never worked on explicitly, because it is the vast storehouse of deep karmic trauma that is causing the symptoms by its sheer volume and, in comparison, what has happened so far in the current life is a minor degree in contributing to the client’s perceived dilemma.