DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerWhat reduction in dose or frequency in use of nutritional supplements will divine augmentation allow, as a good rule of thumb for our followers in general? Will as little as a 25% administration, such as taking a full, recommended, dose once every four days, be fully effective with divine augmentation, or is something more frequent safer?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
More frequent administration will be better for individuals with a low belief quotient in the divine or in themselves as recipients of divine assistance. These are factors that vary considerably among the population. So it is always a compromise to make a declaration of one size to fit all, but we also understand there is a need for general guidelines as individuals will not be able to discern for themselves where they might stand with respect to divine coverage. So we will give you some encouragement here, but with a caveat, to say that the one out of four ratio is reachable for people with a good belief in the divine realm to begin with and some belief in their own worthiness to receive divine assistance. This need not be perfect, either of them, because that is a tall order and we weight things in favor of those who reach out to ask us for help, even though they may have some shortcomings. Divine partnership has to start somewhere. Being the stronger partner, it behooves us to do all we can to honor an outreach with a reward, so we intend to be as lenient as we can to bestow these benefits when people make an honest effort to work on developing themselves and enrich and strengthen their partnership with us through regular use of Creator's Recommended Daily Prayers and healing work, ideally, through the GetWisdom protocols, the LHP and DSMR. What this means is you only need to take one out of four doses, as we will bridge the gap by extending availability of the doses that are ingested through divine augmentation, and that will reduce the corresponding cost of supplements by fourfold because a one-month supply, for example, will last for four months. This will make it more feasible for people to have access to what will truly help them, particularly if they are in need of multiple supplements for a variety of ongoing circumstances which can be alleviated using natural products. Many times, this will help with reducing the intensity of symptoms while the divine healing is underway.