DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsWhen getting ready to do a Lightworker Healing Protocol session, I had a sudden impulse to do a Spirit Rescue for actor Paul Newman, without checking to see if it was really needed. Was that so, and was the rescue successful?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
You had this notion because when you saw mention of his passing, you knew at once he was struggling, even though on the surface, knowing about his high-powered career and seeming wide success in many undertakings, had no intellectual reason to assume he might not have been in superb condition to make the transition successfully on his own steam, so to speak. But this was, in fact, needed as he did have his issues and struggles, particularly toward the end of his life and was not spiritually prepared for what lay ahead, and it got the better of him, as so often happens. We are happy to tell you that he has made his transition now, thanks to your efforts, and this is a blessed occasion for him and the many who know him and have cheered on his life. You, as well, have been a staunch fan and admirer of his talent and his many contributions to the culture through his successful career as an actor in many key roles that have been instructive and teach much about the art of living. He is now your fan and in your corner solidly, and that is as it should be, with one hand washing the other, as members of the human family.