DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us an example of an individual, or group, or location, that was benefitted by being on a wish list for Divine Life support for our December, 2023, webinar?
Nicola Staff asked 5 months ago
The example we have for you this month is one that is a sensitive subject no matter how it is approached, presented, or understood by your listeners. This is an example of things being more complicated than commonly appreciated, both in terms of what is taking place in a physical sense, as well as the metaphysical energetic makeup and the spiritual consequences. It is a very significant and beneficial aspect of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, coupled with Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, in providing a powerful combination that will effectively accomplish a Spirit Rescue for any being who passes away and then becomes trapped in limbo in spirit form, but unable to return to the heavenly realm because of being in a low vibration. This can happen for any number of reasons, often a lack of spiritual preparation. But sometimes, despite strong beliefs of the one who passes away physically, there may have been highly traumatic life circumstances, particularly at the time of death, that so lower of the vibration, the departing spirit will be unable to see and cooperate with light callers who are always sent from the heavenly realm to greet and guide departed spirits back home. If the spirit cannot cooperate actively, the light callers must allow them to flounder because the rules of engagement dictate they will have their free will, for better or worse, as an absolute requirement because it is a fundamental right for all soul-based beings to make their own choices and chart their own soul journey, and thus control their destiny, at least as captain of their ship. But as everyone will realize, ships can encounter adversity and are put at risk by bad judgment, incompetence, human error, or circumstances outside human capability to manage, like hurricanes. So the client who is the subject of this month's case study example is someone on the wish list of a Divine Life Support member, who has undergone abortions, twice, because of difficult life circumstances, being single and unable to support a child, from having a troubled life and meager circumstances to work with. Finding herself pregnant, this young person made the choice both times, to end the pregnancy as a solution to get out from under the greater burden of going through a full-term pregnancy and then surrendering the infant. She knew she would be an incompetent mother, lack the means to do justice to care for another human being totally, and had a genuine concern for what the infant would face in having their destiny in the hands of the state and all the things that could be challenging and harmful as a result of starting life under such circumstances. So, like many faced with similar circumstances, she genuinely felt the lesser of evils was to simply end things before that life truly got going very far. She was left with remorse, guilt, and unhappiness, but as much for her own sorry state and disrupted life in having to surrender two pregnancies that under better circumstances would be a source of great joy, personal satisfaction, and likely the peak experiences of her life, quite the opposite of how things developed. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to her at the time, in both instances, the young soul became trapped in the lower astral plane, in effect, lost in limbo, tumbling in the darkness, alone, disoriented, and unable to recover on their own. The period of occupancy of the fetus was simply not adequate enough for the incoming souls to gain their bearings and maintain enough alignment to be in high a vibrational state when subjected to the invasive abortion procedures that were, in fact, painful and emotionally distressing. That discomfort started well before the abortion procedure, because the incoming life has a high priority to be in tune with the maternal caregiver, and when the would-be mother in the arrangement decides against completing a pregnancy and wants to be rid of the fetus, the emotional anguish, anxiety, depression and other negativity will register on the unborn being and may become overwhelming, given the tender makeup, lack of life experience as yet, and lack of resources to cope. So following the abortion procedures in each case, the spirit of the incoming child was held back and remained attached to the mother's energy. So this young woman was, in effect, still carrying her young, who were no longer living human beings but still the departed soul extension who had wanted to be her child but were met with rejection and a harsh ending of life. We are not wanting to over-dramatize this. Such a young life has little accurate awareness beyond the energies bombarding it. So they will not understand who is who, what is going on and why, what they will lose, and what might happen next. But that does not mean they do not feel the energy of their environment and the energies impinging on them from the mother they were meant to be with for life, and the physical environment including the life-ending procedure they are subjected to. Unfortunately, the mother-to-be remained a somewhat troubled individual, struggling to find her way and deal with her emotional state to be stable enough to be a productive member of society and meet someone who could be a lifelong companion and help her to have a fulfilling life, despite her somewhat rocky beginning. Courtesy of the Lightworker Healing Protocol performed for the Divine Life Support member, not only was this woman covered from being on the wish list, it enabled a divine healing outreach for those young souls in limbo still remaining trapped, unable to progress, and essentially lost in the darkness. A significant factor in that state of affairs was the strength of their intention to be with the mother, as was the original plan. Being confused and having nowhere else to go, they were still trying to connect and hold on, despite the physical realities of having been rejected and the emotional separation from the mother and her wishes to move on. But here again, there was no real understanding of the dilemma these young souls were being subjected to. They were each able to sense the mother's energy, still, and were determined to hang on. So this, as a minimum, was not only a hindrance to those two young souls who could have returned to the light under better circumstances and had a chance to start over, or bide their time under more pleasant circumstances until the would-be mother got on her feet and achieved a more promising lifestyle. This was also an emotional drain on the mother from the presence of the dark, troubling, emotional energy of these two discarnate spirits attached to her. In addition, this was a karmic set-up to have an additional piling on of prior karmic trauma. The Law of Karma routinely looks for patterns, repetition of prior dire circumstances, painful losses, failed obligations, and so on, and will bring around again emotional negativity that was experienced, as an incentive to spur on the person involved to seek a healing solution to rebalance the negativity and thus gain something of great importance from the life lesson. That is the ideal outcome, but all too often results in repeat traumas that grow the problem rather than solve it. Unfortunately, this young woman had prior lives experiencing miscarriages and those lost pregnancies were quite traumatic. They, too, had a karmic backdrop and a deeper history for those tragedies to occur. So in the current incarnation, for her to take an active role in ending two pregnancies was adding to her backlog of karmic trauma and the liability that represents, until enough healing is done to bring everything back into balance. Fortunately, because that woman was on a wish list of the Divine Life Support member, she has been getting a steady campaign of divine intervention to help set things right here, and bring things back into a restored state of neutrality to allow new beginnings and a continued soul journey for those spirits in limbo. We are happy to report that both of those spirits have been healed sufficiently to enable a safe return to the heavenly realm. That healing has not only rescued them from those unfortunate circumstances, but provided enough cleansing to enable a future incarnation that will not end in a quick tragedy of not even making it to term, but having a chance at a good life, a happy childhood, and a lifelong journey of learning and growth that will serve their soul and be a true reward, compared to difficulties they have had to endure. Moreover, the healing, as well as the Spirit Rescue to remove the troubled consciousness of those two beings, has helped the young woman make real progress emotionally, in becoming more stable, more optimistic, and forward-looking. This has brought renewed strength and allowed her to be more open and engaged with life. She is making better choices in turning away from self-destructive behavior and life-limiting choices that have been keeping her isolated, unable to make friends, and have the kinds of interactions that spur people on, through experiencing love in its many forms. That is the true nourishment for the soul that is not only a vital essence but a mandatory requirement for life progress, learning, and growth. So while not reaching a happy ending as yet, she is on her way to a better life because many things are now open to her that would have been prevented, from being mired in her past setbacks and emotional negativity she came to expect in her day-to-day life. This is a tremendous blessing and a wonderful success story in the making, courtesy of divine partnership acting as her advocate to bring us into her life when she was not equipped to make the invitation, as yet, herself.