DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlQuarterback Erik Kramer was the quarterback of that ill-fated Lions team that got close to the Super Bowl in 1991. Years later, his life would unravel when his son died of a heroin overdose, his wife divorced him, and his parents died from cancer. His antidepression medications stopped working, and Erik decided he could not go on that way. In 2015, he bought a gun, drove to a motel room and placed the gun under his jaw, and pulled the trigger. Erik says the last thing he remembers was driving there, but with no memory of arrival, check-in, or pulling the trigger. Yet, miraculously, not only did he not die, but he has since fully recovered with no apparent deficits of any kind, physical or mental. Was Erik a targeted individual? And was that targeting a backlash for his centerpiece role in getting the Lions close to the Super Bowl? If Erik had played anywhere else at the time, might he have avoided being targeted? A retrocausal LHP session has been done for Erik and was quite powerful. Is this the reason Erik not only survived but was able to heal completely when the odds of such a thing are nearly unfathomable? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
These events were all a downstream consequence of the targeting underway for that ill‑fated sports franchise, because that is what the interlopers wanted to see happen. They make the teams they disfavor fail in any way they can and, in fact, take great delight in devising a myriad of ways to bring that about, whether influencing weather, crowd support, accuracy and effectiveness of referees during the games, the actions of management and coaching to make them less inspired and less effective, or even counterproductive, in making bad decisions as well as the individual happiness, physical health and well-being, and emotional life of the players. They will use any lever and, in fact, enjoy the variety and the challenge of coming up with a wide array of evil plots because this is a kind of an amusement. It is like the follies of the idle rich who, without having to make a living, have too much time on their hands and plenty of riches so they can do almost anything and indulge themselves. When such beings are in power and their main desire is to engage in depravity, this is a prescription for an altered world with less achieved at the expense of much less happiness and joy. So this was a downstream domino effect, so to speak, of being a part of a targeted group, because the targeting of a sports team means all associated with that organization need to be targeted, because all can be grist for the mill, interfered with, manipulated, diminished, or sidelined through tragedy that is engineered to happen. The punishment may continue lifelong, well past when the players, for example, retire. Their targeted status does not go away, and any darkness that befalls them will put others on notice that there is a kind of curse underway, and that has a negative impact as well. You are quite correct that the consequences of the dire experience you describe was ameliorated through retrocausal healing. It is difficult for people to understand this concept without time, much discussion, and deep thought. The key to the understanding is that things are actually happening in parallel, in the Now, because linear time is an illusion. This makes it possible for the consequences of something done through divine intervention, launched in what appears to be the future, to have an effect on the present or even the past to help save the day, and that was done here and responsible for the seemingly miraculous recoveries of these individuals who would otherwise have fared far worse.