DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlArguably, no city on Planet Earth did more to win World War II for the Allies than the City of Detroit along with the entire Lake Erie region that today is best known by the derisive term “The Rust Belt.” As a result, no city on Planet Earth did more to save humanity from a planned annihilation than the City of Detroit. Is the creation of “The Rust Belt,” resulting from the relocation or closure of countless industrial businesses, a direct consequence of interloper targeting as a backlash for the region’s role in spoiling their World War II annihilation ambitions? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
As strange as this might seem, or even preposterous to many considering this perspective, perhaps for the first time especially, everything you are asking about here as a possibility is much more than that, it is a deep fundamental truth. World War II was intended to result in the genocidal annihilation of humanity entirely, done stage by stage, bit by bit, first one region then another, first one race then another, first one political persuasion then another, until eventually only a temporary supported victor remained and, by virtue of the mass attrition at their hands to reduce the human population dramatically, the final elimination of that victor nation and its populace was greatly facilitated. This is the cunning of these evil beings, that they would use humans themselves to do their dirty work, it is their modus operandi and has been all through the ages. It is not that they are squeamish, they adore witnessing bloodshed, it is what they do for entertainment, but they want it to be always someone else's suffering so they will not put themselves in harm's way but enlist others, through manipulation, to go to war and decimate a would-be enemy that is usually a contrivance to create animosity, suspicion and fear, and a dispute of some kind to spark the conflict, as in overstepping a border and drawing the ire of a neighboring country, for example. In reality, the genocidal annihilation by the Nazi regime was simply a warm-up. That plan has never died. It continues to this very day. The extraterrestrials are simply taking a breather to relax while they engineer new plots to get things ramped up once again to engineer a worldwide conflict and to weaken the Earth in a myriad of ways already undergoing. This is why you see all around you discord, disarray, dishevelment, and degradation of the quality of life, the effectiveness and efficiency of institutions, and growing suffering due to a rising crime problem, poor governance, extensive poverty, a declining food production and industrial capability with skyrocketing costs, die-offs of thousands of life forms to degrade the environment, and relentless biowarfare of all kinds of microbial species and other forms of predators. All about you, the quality of life is in decline, and that is because you are literally circling the drain and set to be flushed away with a final mass campaign to eliminate humanity altogether. The fact that World War II was for them a failure is a very, very sore point. They have rooted out many culprits, as they see it, for punishment, not always logically or with great insight. But the record of industrial productivity of Detroit in particular and the sister city you mentioned as an industrial base, was indeed in the vanguard of human productivity and national achievement of the U.S., in helping to win World War II, in no small measure a consequence of the many military vehicles and aircraft produced by those very factories, as well as other war materiel. Their contributions to a vibrant postwar economy set the U.S. on a path to be a world leader and a dominant force for decades—a bitter reminder to the extraterrestrials of having backed the wrong horse, as it turns out, not realizing that the Nazis did not have divine support but the allies did. We do not participate in war, but we answer prayers to assist all who are in trouble in ways we can, and often that helps them to survive and even win the day. Because the interlopers are atheists, they give no credit where it is due, truly. This is why their mindset is to focus on that region of America and mark it for punishment and cruelty and much more intense than average subjugation.