DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA viewer asks: “Would Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions for the team and its members help to right the ship?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This would be a superb undertaking. This is a perfect illustration of a practical application for doing an outreach either through prayer or through using the Lightworker Healing Protocol as a series of high-level informed prayer requests to address every conceivable source of negativity that could adversely impact a sports event by bringing divine healing for the players involved. While this might seem unfair, it is true in the nature of the free will paradigm humans are a part of, that the race is to the swift. Those who are intelligent and informed about the workings of the world and the universe, and especially the existence of the divine realm and the importance of partnering with the divine to achieve personal success and happiness, will have the advantage—that is an outcome of free will. When one ignores the teachings available about the divine, they are charting their course in a particular direction and will have outcomes that flow from those choices. Those who choose to pray, who believe in the divine, and cultivate a relationship with the Almighty, will have a significant advantage because they alone will be able to summon divine help to assist them in whatever way they request. This is not to say that they can guarantee victory. There are still many forces at work. All participating and observing have free will and free agency, so Creator cannot simply go against the desires of all but a single individual launching a prayer to win their game, but it will be a factor, and the more energy requested in this way by more people, will add to the likelihood that a divine intervention will come about to favor victory by a particular team given the nature of the energies and the level of support being generated by believers as opposed to doubters and skeptics who would never turn to a spiritual source for assistance. It is not a judgment from on high or a punishment inflicted by the Almighty to favor a sports team where many are believers in the reality of the divine as a force in the world, it is the people themselves, the players and others influencing them choosing to believe or not, and then to interact with the divine or not with requests for support, guidance, healing, and protection—doing so is a birthright that all humans possess. What happens to you in life depends on whether you know this, whether you believe it, and whether you believe in yourself as being worthy of divine assistance and then the sum total of your prior karmic history and the liabilities it reflects counterbalanced against the sum total of the energies in opposition to your desires. This is why life is never easy but again, many times a win will result from a few pivotal moments where something goes just right because for that brief moment everything works and nothing gets in the way. That is something the divine realm can help to bring about and it may be just enough to win the day when the rest of the event is not interfered with or altered in any way by the divine.