DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsCreator has shared that fallen spirits attach to our chakras and feed off of the energy that flows there, with the average person having about 7 spirit attachments. Since these beings are cut off from divine energy directly, they need an alternate source, especially one that transforms the love frequency into something darker that is in keeping with their low vibration. If a person maintains inner calm and a truly relaxed disposition most of the time, would this starve such attachments, as the necessary energy alteration into something discordant does not occur?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is literally the case, that by maintaining a high vibration, being in divine alignment, the energy within the body is uniformly of a higher caliber and less utilized, less palatable to dark spirit attachments. This is why they so commonly attempt to disrupt the life of their host even to the point of risking their death. It is the attempt to get a darker energy, a lower order or frequency often generated by the pain and suffering of the host to produce a state of unhappiness, anguish, despair, anger, fear, or other combinations of negative emotions, that will shape the energy in a way closer to that of the spirit meddlers themselves. They cannot use pure Creator love energy directly; it must be modulated by the host to some degree to get it within reach of the spirit meddlers themselves. This is the reason they work so to perturb the host and lower their vibration; it is to get more of the energy that suits them and is a major reason why having spirit attachments is such a risk. It partly protects the host to be in such a high state of vibration because those spirit attachments that may gain entry will be relatively quiescent in most cases because they will not have the energetic wherewithal to cause much harm to the host. They will be barely persisting and surviving under those circumstances. It is when humans allow themselves to get off-track and have times of unhappiness that the spirits gain energy and then will work relentlessly to capitalize on the event to worsen things, to drag the person down further, to influence them, to ramp up their dark feelings and passions, all designed to make things worse and create more mayhem. This can start a downward spiral to significantly impair the person and their whole life unless they can right the ship. This is the virtue of ongoing prayer, to get divine assistance with such matters because this is all happening outside conscious awareness of the person, but will be seen and can be corrected by the divine realm with a suitable request for assistance. That is the virtue of understanding these phenomena, that you can make an informed high-level prayer request as done with the Lightworker Healing Protocol which has, as the first order of business, removal of all foreign consciousness including the dark spirit meddlers. If people can maintain a state of calm with an orientation to remain in the flow of loving kindness, they will truly be on Creator’s wavelength and can become impervious to attack by the darkness. This is more likely to be feasible and maintained, if they receive divine karmic repair and healing. So this is one of the rewards of living a virtuous life and attending to your spiritual development. It is not just to be nice and to help others, it truly helps the self first and foremost. That is not a bad thing or a selfish thing, but actually a sacred duty to safeguard your own soul, not to mention the fact that any missteps, any failings, anything that does harm the self, let alone others, will create a karmic penalty you must repay some time in the future to rebalance things, to find the wherewithal to put love back that was denied. This can become quite a burden if the deficit goes on for any length of time. This is why people who suffer greatly from many misfortunes almost surely have a karmic history of having experienced such things or causing them for others. Do not assume all such people are former perpetrators, they may well be former victims. The point to take away here is: "All are victims of being out of alignment and all deserve to have a way to return to the fold and be in divine alignment once again with all that entails. It is the responsibility of each and every person to find their way." We will help and guide anyone who asks and we will offer many benefits, including healing, to those reaching out to us. It requires belief in the divine and belief in the self and their worth, both of which can be a challenge for many people, but you can work at this, you can practice, you can return to the well again and again. We recommend daily prayer and getting outside help with healers who understand the workings of the divine and can be a strong advocate with their belief added to yours to achieve the needed belief quotient for healing to happen. You are never alone, so why would you choose to live that way in actual reality by cutting yourself off from love that will be freely given if you just say, "yes?"