DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaCreator has shared with us that the Milky Way Galaxy is the only location in the current universe where there is “unconditional” free will. It is easier to understand the word “free” than it is to understand the word “will.” If we consider that every person is unique, the principal quality of their uniqueness is their “will.” No two people even want precisely the same things, at the same time, in the same amounts, with the same intensity, etc. So people will strive to express, or attempt to express, their uniqueness in a way that optimizes their satisfaction. To have free will appears to mean that there is no traffic cop acting as a brake on behavior chosen by will. Yet, we inevitably compete with and are restrained by one another, and ultimately, by laws that limit choices. So free will is the freedom to express one’s uniqueness, but not freedom from the consequences. The phrase, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” comes to mind. But you can’t play stupid games if you don’t have the freedom to play stupid games! What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Your question is wrestling with the issue of uniqueness, that no two individual souls are alike, and therefore no two individual souls are happy with the same set of conditions and will react differently to things that are happening, including what might be done to them by others. The idea of freedom always carries with it an obligation. This is because holding power comes with responsibility. Wielding that power is all well and good if it is within one's personal playground and you are in control and only you are affected personally by whatever might happen. But as soon as you venture forth among others and are interacting with them and, in a sense, sharing a space, you are mutually interdependent to the extent at least you will be affected to some degree by the actions of others around you. This begins to create obligations and a responsibility to be a good citizen, a good neighbor, and when engaged actively in a cooperative venture of some kind, to keep your end of things in order, to keep up, to do your part, add your fair share of the workload, and so on. The fact you may have great freedom in the near-term to launch all kinds of activities does not mean there will not be consequences, as you have noted. Taking something for yourself that might eventually be needed by others will sooner or later get you into trouble, or at least you will be seen as greedy and selfish, and inconsiderate in not anticipating the need to share the resource. So the system you are describing is the dilemma of existence in deciding how to make it practical and workable so there can be variety, and even excitement and daring to create new possibilities without things descending into chaos through competition and possibly acts of selfishness that could escalate. In the human plane, that is all too common with the creation of grudge matches between individuals and so-called "vendettas," where people end up seeking revenge for prior hurts caused by others, and there is no forgiveness, allowance for mistakes, and a way to obtain a reckoning that allows people to come together and agree to do better in the future. In a self-correcting world, the latter would simply take care of any differences of opinion and disagreements in the moment causing a point of friction. It would not likely escalate much further, and certainly not rise to the level of a violent act of some kind. What this exercise is not yet recognizing is the question of extremes. Two individuals who are capable of self-restraint, concern for others, and carrying within them established ethical principles, such as a willingness to share and see the wisdom in it, will not likely create enemies of one another. The problem you face with humanity is the existence of evil. That evil corrupts and distorts the personality and erodes character. When people are disconnected from their divinity, they can become quite savage in serving their self-interest, and a lack of compassion, even the ability to love, in the absence of a working conscience to constrain them, makes people quite dangerous and changes the equation drastically and, indeed, threatens the workability of the entire operation. This is the difficulty humans face and are needing to solve.