DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlHe also asks: “Despite the Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions I have done to protect this team and its players, was the attack allowed to be temporarily successful in order to manage interloper expectations?”
Nicola Staff asked 10 months ago
This is quite correct. If we were to prevent this from happening, that would arouse curiosity and more likely, increase desire for a backlash, and that could result in a far worse attack that would be much harder to resolve through divine healing. So what we did was to work on the interlopers themselves to accept this as a minor misfire on their end of things and worked to persuade them to let it go and move on. This left them at least satisfied they inflicted great pain, and much anguish in the onlookers who realized how serious the injury was, and the suffering as well. And indeed, they all feared the worst about what this could mean for a key player. The fact that it resolved was mysterious, but with some distraction, hopefully, they will move on to other agenda items and not revisit this individual with a repeated attempt.