DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divinely Inspired MessengersIt is clearly a divine project to restore trust in the divine. The numerous paintings resulting from the description of Jesus, that Saint Faustina wrote down in her diary, are today venerated throughout the Catholic Church. But recently, in just the last seven years, the young visionary artist Akiane painted a photo-realistic image of Jesus she aptly entitled “Jesus.” The image is remarkable on a multitude of levels. It displays great kindness, and gentleness, but also profound strength and self confidence. Jesus is looking off into the distance with a look of respect, recognition, anticipation, expectation, and reverence. But it truly connotes that whoever Jesus himself is looking at possesses the same qualities he does in even greater measure. That while Jesus is looking up, it is not out of fear of something mightier, but rather more like recognizing the approach of a beloved mentor who is simultaneously your best friend, partner, and confidant. The irresistible impulse for anyone viewing this masterpiece is to not want to stare at Jesus as much as turn our own heads and try to look at what he is looking at. Is it indeed TRUST in the divine that is the inspiration behind this masterpiece?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
You are seeing intuitively a connection here between the parties, that is truly reflecting an outreach to God, a lofty being, and as such, it is exhibiting a state of trust, a state of completion in the acceptance of the reality of God, on the part of Jesus, and an affinity, being in attunement and alignment fully, with the divine through loving feelings. Love is our energetic frequency. The quickest way to reach us, and interact with us, is to first generate loving thoughts. So again, it is, on a fundamental level, an energetic recognition and exchange to reach out to the divine and establish an interchange. This is why belief, in a number of respects, will make that simple to do and effective, but there are a number of potential speedbumps and liabilities that can make a divine partnership less likely and less effective—mistrust is one, lack of belief is another. There are many who pay lip service to belief more than embracing it and feeling it with the totality of their being. In essence, they are wanting to believe, but can't quite do it, and hoping they can get by just in case it turns out God is real. There is a central core of doubt running through such a set of thoughts and perceptions. So we would say that having trust in Jesus and trust in God are a kind of litmus test for how you are doing with your belief quotient. If trust is strong, robust, unquestioned, you are doing well. If trust is uncertain, tentative, and weak the belief quotient will be weak as well. That will distance you from us and you will be diminished. That is why the believer will so often experience and describe feelings of joy and unbridled happiness. That is not a fantasy or a wish, but a consequence of being in the flow of love that comes from joining with us in partnership. It is available to all but not all can do it.