DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divinely Inspired MessengersJoan’s fortunes went from bad to worse when she was captured by enemy forces. The divine favor on full display before the king’s coronation was now seemingly missing entirely. A campaign of her own planning was her undoing. Was this plan the result of conferring with her inner guidance and getting their direction, or her simply using her own creativity? Did she go against divine advice? Or was this disaster fully karmic? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This dark turn of events was due to a confluence of worsening circumstances on the part of a number of individuals, and this included her own limitations as well. Although she had a high level of belief, this led to a kind of complacency that she would be, in fact, invulnerable and would most assuredly be victorious. That is always a danger and a pitfall among the faithful who become too trusting in their expectations that might, in fact, be quite naïve in assuming that the side they are on is in the right and must prevail, through God's will, and how could it be otherwise? When, in fact, the divine will be on the sidelines in such contests, and even though there is one side better in divine alignment and working for a more lofty goal, it is up to the humans to win the day. Being on the right side confers an advantage when utilized the right way, especially with awareness that is so and fueling it with heartfelt prayer, not taking things for granted that the good guys will always win. If there is one thing history has proven it is that the darkness is resourceful, relentless, and often successful in making short-term gains at least, and that can happen over and over again. This contest of back-and-forth struggle will continue as long as people are willing to fight with one another. The problem comes when someone decides to resort to an ultimate sanction through bringing about an annihilation of the adversary. The key thing you need to know is that your opposition, all these centuries, has largely been toying with you because it amuses them. They have recently become bent on your destruction. That has been forestalled through the divine realm but, in response, they are upping the ante and working more in earnest to bring that about. The fact humanity does not know this puts them at a disadvantage, and that is why GetWisdom is here to bring this awareness forward. So there is always karma in play, along with the state of divine alignment and having an awareness of what is needed, and making a personal commitment to devote oneself to a cause. There is always a need for a group effort. So even though Joan of Arc has her rightful place in history, as a heroic and courageous figure, her dark ending is an object lesson that "no one is an island." Not only do you need others to live a life of meaning and happiness, you will need others at times to even survive an excursion in the physical plane.