DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaLong wrote: “… anguish (can be an) overpowering force used by the High Self when necessary to correct the lesser man, cleanse him and set him back on his evolutionary course. This is not the karma of India, which is impersonal and is working out of a vaguely defined law. It is a very definite action on the part of the High Self to assist the growth of the lesser selves over which it has charge.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is an accurate depiction of the workings of the higher self, with regard to inflicting the conscience as a kind of painful reminder of one's duty to remain in divine alignment, as that will safeguard the soul most effectively. It is most unfortunate that many live in guilt, and that can be quite debilitating and corrosive, even to the point it makes life not worth living, and traps a person in a kind of seemingly self-imposed sentence of suffering and punishment for their prior wrongdoing. The purpose of a conscience is to signal the person there is a need for corrective action of some kind. The normal way this is done is through making a point of apologizing for overstepping boundaries and making restitution for harm, especially in the form of a material loss to someone. But there are many circumstances where a repayment is not straightforward at all and may seem to be impossible, as in causing the death of someone, as you cannot bring them back to life. Still, there are ways to save the self from endless anguish. That is what divine grace is for. It might require a profound act of forgiveness, and that may well be possible only after much soul-searching and inner growth to come to a better understanding of all that has happened, one's role and responsibility in it, and charting a new course in some fashion. This is attempted in the case of the law enforcement system viewing transgressions as causing a debt to society. In the same way, if you cannot give something back to a former victim, because of circumstances, there are other acts of loving kindness you can do to others in need that will be recognized by the Law of Karma and will constitute an eventual repayment of the karmic debt even if it cannot be provided to those harmed personally. So the experiencing of a chronic state of anguish has a solution through healing, and that might require a material act of repayment in some way for the healing to be thorough and finalized in a way that satisfies the Law of Karma to let you off the hook, so to speak. Your higher self will know how you are doing and may well keep sending you reminders things are still out of balance. It is wise to pay attention. It is also a risk factor that some may overreact and overinterpret feelings of anguish from their own wrongdoing, and if they are unable to heal, it might amplify through their own negative thinking, and thus compound the tragedy. Here again is self-induced harm that is a karmic misstep as well. So the lesson here is to recognize one's flaws, one's faults, and one's mistakes, but rather than seek punishment of the self, seek an avenue to put some love back into the world. Healing is done through loving energy, so finding a path to love can even heal your transgressions and save you from being trapped in your own guilt and self-judgment. The higher self is a conduit for inspiration and guidance and will always assist such a journey if you pay attention.