DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divinely Inspired MessengersMost thoughtful people believe there is truth to the notion, “To whom much is given, much is required.” This can create a dilemma for anyone contemplating asking for assistance, that dilemma is the fear of becoming unwittingly indebted. Saint Faustina wrote, “Once the Lord said to me, ‘Act like a beggar who does not back away when he gets more alms [than he asked for], but offers thanks the more fervently. You too, should not back away of receiving greater graces when I give them to you. I know you are unworthy, but rejoice all the more and take as many treasures from My Heart as you can carry, for then you will be pleased more. And I will tell you one more thing – take these graces not only for yourself, but also for others; that is, encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in My infinite mercy. Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me – I will do everything for them.'” This first question for Creator is, were these the words of Jesus or an Anunnaki psychic? If Jesus, what can Creator tell us about the fear that anything from the Divine will have onerous strings attached, and how can we get past that fear, that distrust?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
First, we can reassure you that this quote was the words of Jesus, not an imposter. While they are loving, they also seem demanding, and this again reflects the all-too-common human perspective that if one surrenders to the Lord, all will be forgiven and all burdens will be removed and the person restored, they will have arrived with nothing to fear and everything will be taken care of. We would say, "Not so fast!" Going back to the start of your question with the quote, "To whom much is given, much is required," that is a more accurate representation of the divine perspective when it comes to faith and, more precisely, belief in the divine. It is, from our perspective, a requisite for us to be on your side, and extend to you our full support. This is hard for people to understand but a quite important lesson. If your belief in us is meager, our support of you will be meager. If your belief in us is strong, our support of you will be strong. This is not meting out judgment or punishment for our perception of you exhibiting wrongdoing. What is going on is we are simply matching your energy. If you are not believing in us, you have moved away, you are less in divine alignment, and on a lower level of vibration than our love frequency. That energetic difference creates a gap that we cannot fill because it is your responsibility to invite us to partner with you. If you do that in a half‑hearted way, we have to be tentative and cannot respond energetically in a robust fashion. So you are setting the scene, setting the terms, and deciding to what extent there will be a partnership, in a true sense, or something weaker, less complete, not in balance, and certainly not with full participation. So we would turn this question on its head. Rather than having humans scratch their heads wondering, "What's wrong with God?" and "Where is God?" We would say, "What's wrong with you?" and "Where are you when we are ready and desiring your partnership, when you are not believing in us, and willing to do the work to develop and strengthen your belief in us in the first place?"