DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsSome have speculated we ARE our intentions, as opposed to “having” intentions. What is Creator’s perspective on that idea?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
In a sense, this is quite true because your physical existence and your perception of it is an extension of the soul’s consciousness and thus is a kind of illusion that your physicality is a defining characteristic and the sum total of existence. That is because when birthed into existence in the physical plane and sensed through the experiencing via the physical senses, this contributes meaning and strength to the illusion of existence in the way you are experiencing it because it is all you have to work with, and is quite limited, and is quite circumspect as a consequence. There are larger realities in play you are not privy to because of these limitations. You are unaware of the existence of the soul and the interchange energetically that brings about the reality of your being present within your physical body in the current incarnation and therefore do not see the interplay as an expression of the soul literally birthing it into existence, and that this is a quite ephemeral energetic expression that will have a finite existence and will be changeable over time in ways that are volatile and not entirely predictable. That variability is not a reflection of there being an unreality about it all, but rather that consciousness is restless and ever-changing and a sum total of potentials garnered from one’s own soul and energies impinging on you continually from many other sources, all of which combine together in the current experiencing of your creation and its potential for further unfolding. In a sense, there are many future potentials that are possible than you are aware of, so you are experiencing more limitation and lack than an abundance of possibilities and the larger growth that could be created. This is purposeful and being orchestrated, in fact, to be the case, that your existence is one of limitation and subjugation through a dimming down and a dumbing down of your awareness, and therefore the consciousness you could put to work to good purpose to shape your future purposefully to a much greater degree and effectiveness to bring about change for the better. So it is simply a sad fact of existence that you are more potential than realization, and that is a large cause of unhappiness and dissatisfaction as a dilemma of existence.