DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceThe third deadly sin is GLUTTONY: “Overconsumption, usually of food or drink. ‘The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco or medicine.'” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
The assignment of this category of negative conduct, as a transgression, is certainly applicable for far too many individuals who become self-indulgent and consume substances that are rewarding and pleasurable to excess and, of course, that comes with a downside that takes a toll on the body, and often the mind as well, if people cannot maintain their composure and intellectual competence to carry out daily duties. Whether a deficit accumulates in getting out of shape and perhaps no longer being physically qualified for their work, or simply becoming less effective and efficient if they are in an altered state through drug or alcohol use, they will be less productive, less effective, and will risk steady employment being taken away. Getting too much of a good thing is one of the ongoing hazards of life and, this being so, introduces the idea, in particular, of self‑restraint, developing an inner discipline to avoid temptation or overindulgence, particularly for those things that might be highly tempting for a given individual as some are more predisposed to certain excesses than others. One of the problems with developing bad habits that grow to become a severe liability through excesses of intake, is that such a path will create a karmic consequence because one is choosing to endanger their wellbeing, and that is an affront to the soul and its purpose. It will get noticed and it will be reckoned with by the Law of Karma, eventually. Interestingly, many times people have a lifestyle that leads them to obesity, substance abuse, or addictions, because they have experienced that very thing in a prior lifetime. What is happening is that the Law of Karma is circling back around with the potential for that to be reexperienced in a new life, and conditions will be brought to bear creating the opportunity for reexperiencing that very dilemma. This seems harsh and unfair, but the point of a life lesson is in the learning and an eventual realignment through one's own awareness.