DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationThere is a New Age belief: “We are Starseeds, originating in different planets. We benefit from identifying our planets of origin and can even seek to establish a contact with our home star or residents thereof.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
It is true that many are Starseeds who originated in different planets, but you are physical humans at the moment and no beings in those other worlds can help you. Knowing your pedigree and attempting communication with other beings in other star systems is a diversion and, while of interest to satisfy your curiosity, will not bring the answers you need to change your world for the better. No outside beings are being allowed to interfere with the contest underway between the Earth and the predators wanting to subvert you and your future destiny. There are many false channelers who encourage such ideas because they are channeling not the star beings they believe are their brethren from their homeworld but actually Anunnaki psychics, the chief interloper in your world holding back humanity and holding you down and planning your destruction. So this is a dangerous idea because most will not be able to protect themselves from imposters and they may well become a pied piper to attract others, as is true of the vast majority of existing channelers who are not channeling who they think they are.