DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationThere is a New Age belief: “A general widespread Awakening is happening now! This is the turning point of humanity’s history on Earth that has been prophesied by many cultures. We have all assembled to be part of this awakening and to help with the transformation towards a higher level of evolution. We can influence the timing and success of this transformation by our own level of consciousness, our thoughts, feelings, energy. That’s the most important thing we can do.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Here again is a partial truth masquerading as the be-all and end-all of deep knowledge and enlightenment. It is true you were created for great things, to do great works, and to have a grand and glorious future as an extension of Creator’s consciousness, but the true reason for that creation was not simply to have fun and have a secure birth as our offspring, so to speak, given special consideration, special favors, and a predestined plan to follow that guarantees advancement and increasing wonders and pleasure to enjoy. The reality is, you were created to deal with the problem of evil and, as you are experiencing now in your world and see clearly in the many, many dire and tragic episodes all through human history, evil is abroad in the land and can set you back and lash back against any humanitarian impulses. You are fighting amongst yourselves and that disorganization is not only non-divine but a direct manipulation by the forces of evil to bring it about, yet you have little power to rein it in. So to assume this is all in your control and all you need do is to tend to your own level of consciousness, thoughts, feelings, and energy is woefully inadequate to help you face the immediate challenges, let alone the long-term progress of humanity as planned by Creator. You are weaklings as physical humans, that is why you need divine support, guidance, healing and protection just to keep going, let alone win the contest with evil that is underway. It is nip and tuck because many humans are corrupted to act in evil ways, believe in evil ideas and notions, and to harm one another, and can be used as minions of the darkness and have been all through history, signing on to evil wars and other harmful strategies and policies, and turn a blind eye to suffering so acts of genocide can take place unopposed, and so on. Humans have a very poor track record of simply relying on their own inner impulses to control things and win the day. This is a divine level problem and even though you are divine extensions, you are in a diminished capacity at present and you have been further degraded through manipulation by the interlopers, and that is an additional reason you need our help and cannot do it alone, reaching out to us is the way forward for you.