DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyThose who suffer PTSD, it can be argued, have no “safe space,” as flashbacks can occur anytime, anywhere. This suggests the need for a “safe space for the mind” that exists for an individual regardless of exterior circumstances. Inner calm and peace of mind seem to be the ultimate safe space an individual can create for themselves, at least ideally. Can Creator comment on the need for placing the proper emphasis on “internal safe spaces” versus “external safe spaces,” and how to best go about creating both, in balance?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here we have a shorthand description of an ideal world where everything is in balance and at a high level of vibration, so to speak, where contentment is the order of the day, if not more discernible happiness. The world is far from this state of being at present with so many areas in turmoil, huge numbers living in poverty, even hunger, many homeless and fleeing violence and the ravages of various catastrophes in nature. The cure for PTSD is the resolution of the prior trauma experienced by the individual that leaves them in a state of heightened awareness fearing the worst will happen at any time, and the inner replay of past disasters creates a chronic state of anxiety, fear, and hypersensitivity to any adverse stimulus that will trigger a huge alarm reaction. This is a huge unmet need for the inner calm of an inner safe space where there is a state of relaxation, living life with grace and ease without tension and overreaction to unexpected events that a person with a trauma history will likely overreact to, and be heavily triggered to re‑experience crushing inner emotional turmoil. To achieve both inner peace and outer peace and the state of having an inner safe space as well as an outer safe space, the answer for both is deep healing of humanity and the many interlopers in your midst who are a source of evil corrupting humans again and again to encourage bringing out the worst in them, many kinds of bad behavior: impulsive thoughts and actions, self‑destructive impulses, self-destructive habits, and many times acts of violence against others. When out of control conduct occurs in many places at once and involves entire regions, as will happen in social unrest, civil strife, and acts of war, as opposed to isolated troublemakers, deranged individuals, and criminals preying on others, large regions of the world can become unsafe and lead to mass panic, self-destructive acts of desperation, and many catastrophic overreactions through manipulations designed to funnel people’s fears into causing harm to others by blaming one’s neighbors and deluding people into thinking going to war is an answer for their problems. Divine love and healing are the answer for creating safety on all levels because the broadest definition of safety is "the maintenance of a state of divine alignment that can only prevail when one is calm, centered, and not under duress." It is very hard to maintain a loving vibration when one’s life is being threatened or the lives of loved ones. Dealing with corruption and the influences of evil across the board is the number one priority and learning challenge of humanity. There are answers, there are approaches that work. This can be done, you can be successful in uplifting your tormentors and thereby freeing yourselves from danger. Only then will your healing be thorough and complete, so it is in your best interests to see to both these needs—safety within and without. This is doable. The divine realm can show you how and can assist you in achieving these goals. Some are achievable by the asking on a local and personal level. On a wide-scale, you will need fellow humans requesting the same, but it is still your challenge personally to bring about both. It cannot happen without requests coming from the human side, the divine realm can only assist when requested. This is why your problems, in effect, have a human solution that awaits your making the choice and taking action.