DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWe have learned that celebrities can often have a difficult transition because of the literal energetic attachment of fans to their physical existence. In this case, the energetic cords from fans to celebrity are literally tying them to Earth. How big a problem is this?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is not at all uncommon. This is one of the downsides of becoming famous and having many people focus on you energetically. That focus of consciousness creates a cording, so you will have entanglements with countless other souls if you are in the limelight, so to speak. If you are beloved by respectful fans who appreciate you and your work, this will bring some blessings to you in the way of positive energy because they are beaming their intentions and this will be, in effect, a kind of pat on the back energetically like the hearing of applause, for that is what the applause means, "We like you. We appreciate you." This can reverse rapidly if that celebrity, who may be idolized, is shown to have a dark side or a moral lapse of some kind that becomes exposed to show they are all too human and perhaps have selfish motives, and perhaps a narcissistic personality, to be self‑serving and harm many people around them who they mistreat as underlings because of an outsized ego, for example, or if there is a vice they indulge, and this has happened to many famous people where they turn out to molest children or engage in serial infidelities, have children out of wedlock they deny and ignore, and so on. Their fans will send them dark thoughts and this constitutes psychic attacks that will have an impact on that celebrity, or would-be celebrity at that point perhaps, and it will darken their world, darken their life in some respects. This can be a major influence, in some cases, that literally drives people to drink. When someone who is a beloved celebrity passes, especially in a tragic way, there is a wave of shock and horror, but this will cause a tremendous upwelling of sympathy and desire to have that celebrity back again. People will not want to let go of the dream world the celebrity represents for them. You saw this when you did a Spirit Rescue for Judy Garland, who had taken her own life and remained in limbo as an earthbound spirit, because of her emotional distress on passing and prior to that sad event. In that state of mind, she was further harmed by the grief of millions of people who were, in a sense, possessing the image of little Dorothy she played in The Wizard of Oz and were repelled with the news that little Dorothy, now grown up with that reputation of drinking and taking too many pills, and so on, wanted out and killed herself to escape. Many felt offended and personally hurt by this dash of cold water on them, in a sense, from the harsh reality that represented of the imperfect world and not the fantasy world of the motion pictures they associated their star being a part of. That grief and yearning held her back from progressing to the light and this was an aspect of healing needed for her you accomplished in your Spirit Rescue, to dissolve those cordings and heal the accumulated negativity of the mourners, and those who had a kind of backlash in the form of a psychic attack and dislike of their former heroine they had come to love, and then felt let down by because of her perceived weaknesses. So those cordings were a powerful influence and a hindrance to getting back to heaven, literally, and she had been in limbo for decades before you thought of her one day and reached out to see if she had made it to the light, because one out of three people do not and especially because of her tragic death being a potential causal factor of complications with transition, and indeed found she was in desperate need of rescue and you saved her, literally, so she could continue on her soul journey. You are now corded to her and she has told you that she is a fan of yours and devoted to you in the same way you shared your life as a fan of hers while she was alive and contributed as a performer.