DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a case study example for the September 30, 2023 Divine Life Support webinar, of someone, or a group, who benefited from divine healing through the Lightworker Healing Protocol or Deep Subconscious Memory Reset?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
The example we have for you this time is quite uplifting and a perfect study in how someone using divine healing requests, through the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, can make all the difference to affect not only one life but many, many, many others for the better. It is a story of a divine save, a healing miracle done just in the nick of time to prevent a major catastrophe. The center of the drama was a school bus driver who was hired to drive a busload of children to a summer retreat sponsored by their church. Even though these were children of religious homes, that does not mean they are invulnerable and cannot be harmed because God would presumably be motivated to protect the young and innocent. The reality is, because of rules of engagement, we must treat everyone the same regardless of age. There are many, many factors, but innocence is not necessarily to one's advantage as these children have only begun to learn about interacting with the divine realm, through prayer, and have little concept of the dangers of the wider world, and so are not requesting strong high-level prayers for protection. While their parents might be, that might be no contest for a large karmic force swooping in to bring about a tragedy because the opportunity presents itself in just such a way to bring about a reexperiencing of prior trauma. In this case, the driver of that bus had a karmic history of being entrusted with caring for children, but instead of being a good shepherd, watchful, vigilant, and meticulous, to be on high alert for signs of danger, and perhaps sound a warning if something happened he might not be able to manage personally, was literally asleep on the job. And instead of watching a group of children playing at a riverfront, he was lounging under a tree in the shade, to get out of the sun, but it lulled him to sleep and several children drowned because someone went under and others were lured into a swifter current than they could manage in a rescue attempt that not only failed but took their lives as well. By the time the commotion this caused among the group awakened the man, he was delayed, tragically, in mounting a rescue effort himself. And thus, his life was marred by a dramatic failure to carry out his duty and live up to the trust put in him by the parents, who never imagined such a horror could happen, but nonetheless were stricken and vengeful in seeking punishment for his shortcomings, as all too often happens when humans give in to weakness or some personal failing that becomes the link in a chain of events leaving them culpable and then blamed by others, rightly or wrongly. In this case, he had a clear karmic duty to perform, and while that tragedy was in another lifetime, the Law of Karma could see that the circumstances in the current life were beginning to line up and resonate with that prior drama. This is because the driver had become corrupted by spirit meddlers, and they also could see in his karma this prior tragedy, and they literally were plotting to distract him at just the wrong moment to cause a tragic accident to befall that busload of children and him as well. Thus, the event would replay the creation of a karmic debt, through the death of youngsters in his charge, but this time would take his life as well as an additional penalty, along with an additional karmic worsening, because all are responsible to safeguard their soul, to keep going no matter what, to make the best of things, and live their lives in a way to overcome challenges and not be overwhelmed and be a part of tragedy harming the self as well as others. It was the good fortune here that an individual in the pending future tragedy was on a wish list of a Divine Life Support member, and this was someone with a deep caring for family members, especially children, so the energy of the intention for safety and personal wellbeing was quite strong. We saw this future eventuality that was developing while this bus was on its way and, in addition, we could see the energetics of this driver included an intervening life of making partial amends, karmically, for the prior transgression, although not totally. This was especially fortunate because we were able to mount enough healing to forestall a quite strong intention by the darkness to cause mayhem and suffering through tragic deaths of this bus driver and at least some of the children on board. So, because of the reach of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, we were able to mount an effort across time, working from a past time point, to begin a clearing of this driver and remove the spirit meddler attachments seeking to harm him in bringing out this future tragedy. We did it in a way that would change the future, quite literally, from one of death and suffering for the victims of the bus crash, as well as many family members and beyond whose lives would never be the same. In this instance, the loving kindness of that Divine Life Support member can be credited with being the catalyst for a miracle to save other lives, including the child most dear to that individual, and an unmet stranger in need who was, at the time, a weak link in the unfolding chain of events and would have been seen as very likely to blame, his reputation ruined, and his life ended, as well as darkening his karma further to put him more at a disadvantage in the future in the assessment of the Law of Karma. Instead, he got a divine save along with the others, and this further removed negative karma of the driver such that in the future he will not be coming from behind should he reincarnate and face the possibility of another horrific trauma he would be blamed for, and would be on his karmic shoulders, so to speak.