DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationThere is a New Age belief: “If you encounter a non-physical being (in meditation, etc.) and are not sure who it is, just ask it ‘Do you come from light and love?’ Or ‘Do you stand in the light of the Christ?’ or something of that sort. It will be compelled to be truthful.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is a highly dangerous idea because it will not work and, in addition, will give a false sense of security that such an exchange, if resisted, means that one is dealing with an enlightened high-level being and then have a false sense of security one is safe when the opposite is the case. Such injunctions will simply be ignored by interlopers. While the dark spirits fear the light, they do not fear humans who talk about the light because they know you hold no such power to oppose them. Similarly, the extraterrestrials are atheists and they do not believe that God or Christ hold any power whatsoever, so invoking a divine being of that sort will not be a barrier to their manipulation but may well be setting up a false test that when passed easily gives a false sense of security and will allow forming a relationship with an intruder that brings evil to the individual, and then things will proceed from there.