DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionA practitioner asks: “I have done numerous LHP and DSMR sessions on my daughter-in-law. She is a therapist who works with some very mentally sick individuals, and she seems to have numerous health issues herself. Are her illnesses karmic, or is she constantly getting spirit attachments or meddlers from the clients themselves? Is there something more I can do to be of help to her?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
Her problems are due to both factors. She, as true of almost everyone, has significant karmic trauma from many lifetimes being preyed upon by dark spirits as well as other difficulties leading to mental and emotional difficulties. But her close proximity to the mentally disturbed she works with is a significant additional risk factor, because it is almost always the case that such individuals have such difficulties, primarily because of dark spirit attachments wreaking havoc with their mental state and emotional life. When they gain a foothold, they carry out a campaign of bullying and terrorization within the deep subconscious mind. That creates a state of fear and chronic anxiety that begins to drain a person of strength because consciously, the individual will be unaware how much of itself and energy reserves are in a fight for life below conscious awareness. People vary in their vulnerability to spirit possession and, perversely, it is often caregivers wanting to help their charges who, through their compassion and empathy for the suffering, become more and more energetically aligned and entangled from close proximity and witnessing the suffering of such patients. What is needed for being in that cauldron is to stand strong, be implacable, and holding a high vibration at all times. That can be a challenge and especially so in a tempestuous environment where there can be repeated episodes of tension, trying times, and even fearful circumstances when people get out of control or pose a threat to the staff. What is needed is simply ongoing healing work to stay abreast of developments. That way, there will not be too long an interval in between periodic cleansing, to be sure all new attachments are dealt with effectively, so they have little time to burrow in deeply and stir up trouble. This will also work on underlying karma that poses a risk factor of vulnerability, and over time she will strengthen so there will be longer intervals between bouts of spirit attachment, and the consequences will be less severe as well, should that happen. You have the tools you need to enlist divine help, so she is under divine watch and being cared for, to work on greater defenses through receiving preventive care with the protocols.