DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you describe a Divine Life Support client or group, helped by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocols we did on April 30, 2023? What were the most significant problems worked on, and the most significant benefits?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
The individual we want to use as an example case study, for that month's sessions was a youngster, a young boy who was becoming increasingly cantankerous, unruly, and oppositional, both at home and at school. This led to a series of assessments by psychologists and a psychiatric consult as well. The general consensus, although not unanimous, was that this individual suffered from the beginnings of a serious personality disorder with psychotic symptoms as well, and was thus in danger of progressing into a chronic, severe, and perhaps irreversible mental illness. The boy was becoming increasingly hostile with episodes of violence against peers and caretakers without any regard for his own safety or the consequences of his actions likely being met with swift and severe punishment. The sad fact was, his family was becoming afraid to live with him in their midst, leading to the likelihood of his becoming institutionalized eventually. His response to medication was uneven and compounded by his frequent noncompliance. This state of affairs was brought about through his acquiring spirit meddler attachments. These are dark demonic beings resulting from the fall from grace of angelics long, long, ago who moved further and further away from divine alignment and became predators of the living instead of helpers. The presence of dark spirits like this is a major scourge affecting about 10% of human beings. They are highly experienced at influencing their host to stir up trouble because it creates a demand for more energy and they siphon some of this off for themselves. They also love working against others to make them suffer as they do, from living as outcasts. This makes them a danger. The dark spirit meddlers are always a major influence behind criminal behavior, sexual deviance directed against the young, and acts of incest. This young boy had a karmic history of being sensitive to spirit manipulation to ramp up his anger and make him a troublemaker who never fit in, so he was always fighting with everyone around him and being rejected as a consequence, to add insult to injury. That karmic potential was a perfect match for another go-round following his incarnation into his current life. Spirit meddlers got a foothold at a low moment when the boy was teased by playmates and he cried himself to sleep. That state of mind lowered his defenses, and hovering dark spirits moved in, literally, to take up residence within his energy. They began to manipulate his mind, deep in the subconscious level, but causing great emotional turmoil that made him always on edge and quick to anger because he was always angry deep inside, being under constant torment and attack by the dark spirits. Fortunately, we were able to not only remove the dark spirits but carry out a concerted healing campaign initiated by the Lightworker Healing Protocol to address the deep karmic repair greatly needed to make him more resilient by healing his vulnerability to be manipulated in this way. The perturbations of his mind, his thinking, his judgment, and his emotional sensitivity to harassment causing many inner woundings, were addressed effectively by the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset protocol work, to release the stored negativity of the many attacks, and begin to undo the damage from being mocked and taunted and threatened around-the-clock in a deep part of his mind. With that release, it was possible to remove and replace many negative and self-limiting beliefs he developed as a result of this victimization. It was those beliefs that made him a fighter, feeling life was unfair, that others were there to take advantage of him and he must fight back so they would not get the better of him, and so on. The combination of these two healing protocols was enough to turn things around to a sufficient degree that he could be more relaxed, less troubled, and resistant to being triggered by others and their treatment of him. This resulted in a dramatic turnaround in his behavior, to the extent he was able to taper off all medication and resume attending school as a mainstreamed student without special needs. Not all people in this kind of situation can be helped as quickly, so he was one of the most lucky to get attention soon enough to prevent what would likely have been extremely severe negative outcomes. He was living a life of juvenile delinquency, headed for an eventual series of imprisonments for out-of-control conduct harmful to others, from acts of violence. So this was a clear win for him and for the light, in getting the help he most needed, and was not available through any other means in an effective fashion to turn the tide, given the severity of negative influences impinging on him and undermining his welfare. This is a tremendous blessing, the rescuing of a young person who might otherwise have never had a normal life and would have brought harm to many around him, but now will do the opposite. Removing all the karmic vulnerability will take considerable time, but as long as he is in this healing program, he will receive repeated attention to help keep him protected and keep him safe from picking up new spirit attachments who would inevitably find that old history, and attempt to reopen the old wounds yet again.