DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsGeorge MacDonald said: “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 5 months ago
In the earth plane, everything is conditional, everything is fragile, everything is hard-won, often fought for to begin with, with payment of a high price. This land of imperfection you inhabit will mean, automatically, that all divine attributes on display will likely be imperfect, if only as to their degree, the level of vibration reached in terms of the depth and magnitude of the particular attribute in question and its expression. Trust and love are soul attributes and just words. They can be truly profound and on a divine level of authenticity, depth of expression, and level of intention when being utilized, or they can be something done as a token, as a gesture, more in name only than a genuine expression of trust and love. This is the hallmark of the selfish or the true narcissist who values themselves above everyone else. So no two people have an identical level of trustworthiness or love potential and, as they are regarded by others, will not be seen by any two people, identically, as being lovable or to be trusted. That is also a moving target. Relationships typically start slowly. Trust is given provisionally at the outset and a necessary buy-in, so to speak, for further interaction to continue. It needs to be established and then may grow from there if things go smoothly. Love is a deeper quality and not given lightly as part of a contractual arrangement, for example. You do not give provisional love to others. There might be some conviviality, some congeniality in recognizing something nice about a new acquaintance, and that will get a warm feeling going but it is still short of love. That will require the development of an investment in another person and bring with it a kind of devotion, a willingness to commit more strongly to the relationship, whether a love-based romantic involvement or just good friendship. Given the imperfections of your world, there are many partnerships, including love relationships, that exist on the basis of that chemistry, to provide a reward and incentive to keep going and support the relationship with love as a reward, and that is usually worth the effort because love is a basic nutrient needed by all soul-based beings for optimal happiness and well-being. But there are many times when love relationships run aground through disagreement, often a karmic rumbling from prior relationship difficulties, even in other lifetimes, that might be severe and make someone even a poor candidate to have a successful marriage with, or a business partnership. When people have flaws that are perceivable and obvious, as with men having a roving eye, there might be true love bestowed on such an individual but there can be an erosion of trust, if only through suspicion of wrongdoing. So the love quotient may well differ in strength from the trust quotient in a relationship. This is true of all kinds of human interactions: friendships, workmates, romantic partners, or family members. As you are exploring the dynamics of trust, there is a complex equation operating, always, for every person, with respect to every other human interaction in their life experience, and there will be an energetic influence owing to both trust and love as attributes in play coming from both directions. Trust and love are different. Both are important and sometimes necessary for effective interactions with others. In the beginning of a relationship, where love is important to be expressed, it will take time usually to develop and strengthen. People might wax and wane in their level of love feelings until well along the path of getting to know one another and beginning to care more deeply. Trust is a more foundational bedrock because it is more workmanlike and less emotional in nature. Love is more like a narcotic, or can be, and that can be addicting and also blinding because it is so rewarding people will sometimes not see the truth of things in a relationship with someone who is perhaps exploiting them, so the love is more unbalanced, coming mostly from one party than from the other. Because trust is such an important foundational quality, it is prized quite highly, indeed, and it is often the case that a breach of trust will destroy a relationship, like a marriage, more so than an unkind and unloving mistreatment that may develop by someone being thoughtless in the moment. That can usually be forgiven more readily than breaking someone's trust, and the example we are giving reflects the fact that love is more of a variable, waxing and waning with intensity, and understood to be that way. This is why partners will usually spend some time and effort thinking of ways to show their love through kind gestures, unexpected gifts, the sending of flowers, or surprising their partner with a pleasurable experience like a well-planned night on the town. Whereas trust is part of the infrastructure expected to be bedrock and steady, and thus of greater fundamental importance as a necessity for lasting relationships. As such, it is more of a test of character to be trustworthy than a lover.