DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsIn addition to prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, what other practical advice can Creator share for people who find themselves entangled with a psychopath? What if the psychopath is a parent, or a sibling, or even a child?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This, indeed, is a major dilemma many have to face and that is not including the many on that spectrum, perhaps not at the quite extreme level of the psychopath in being devoid of a conscience or any true understanding of love and what it can mean, but having lesser contact with the divinity within, that is their lineage and birthright. So those who are merely sociopaths or narcissistic, or just selfish at times, will harm themselves and others accordingly. They cannot help it, they are devoid of love to use in the moment at least, if not as a permanent absence. At times, in a sense, they are stepping away from divine alignment through stress or other pressures and perhaps inner vulnerabilities of their makeup like being easily roused to anger, for example. So all will reckon with people out of control and out of divine alignment. It is especially tragic when this is a caregiver and when one is young and vulnerable there is little in the way of defenses available. The young life lacking experience and ability physically to hold their own or the wherewithal to understand there might be choices available and may, in fact, be preverbal and so are quite helpless, but under the thumb of a psychopath or someone on the spectrum, will have more than they can handle and will be wounded tremendously by all the negativity thrown at them unfairly. But because of the savage nature of humans who are loveless and totally self-absorbed and self-serving, this requires some education and training, and then accordingly some maturation and development of an understanding of moral and ethical precepts to better understand appropriate boundaries of human conduct and behavior. Children who are around someone who is a psychopath will see a quite distorted picture of humanity and what can happen at the hands of another. The children themselves will be attacked savagely and labeled with all the faults of the psychopath themselves. They will be judged, they will be condemned because their desires and behavior are completely misunderstood by the psychopath, so children will have no one to teach them what their feelings mean and the fact they have the right to feel secure, the right to be loved and cherished and nourished and supported, encouraged and held safe by those charged with their care and not neglected or abused. So it will be a tragic assault on their self-image when they are in the care of someone unable to share love and treat them lovingly. It is an anti-life lesson to grow up in such an environment. It is one of the greatest tragedies one can experience. Given the large number of individuals on this spectrum of increasing love deficiency, it is a widespread problem that is dragging down all of society. People who are raised halfway when it comes to love will be stunted in their growth and development. They might be chronologically assumed to be a mature adult capable of running their own life and being responsible as a member of society, a good employee, and someone who can be trusted to watch out for the interests of others, and so on, but without knowing the history of any individual, that trust can be misplaced if that person has not fully developed and flowered as a loving human being because they have been denied. This is a problem not easily solved and this is why your world is quite inept in dealing with such things. First of all, the interlopers want your world to be this way. They, in fact, are psychopaths themselves so they impart their views and pattern your world after theirs with its hierarchical power systems you call governments and the large need for an armed police force to stamp out individual initiative acting on dark impulses and thereby breaking laws, and so on. So everything works against you in wanting to find love in your world. The best we can do is to recommend a spiritual path, learning about the divine and doing daily prayer work, and eventually learning how to bring about high-level divine healing. That can begin to influence the individuals around someone who has been victimized. It is a way of fighting back, in a sense, without a confrontation or incurring any karmic negativity from playing the same game as their perpetrator, but rather, reaching to the light for a divine solution raises up everyone involved. It is the answer for the perpetrators, to have them healed. It is a divine-level problem. An individual person cannot change someone else. The best they can do is stand their ground and perhaps take their lumps if they are strong enough to weather the storm. This is too difficult for many who become beaten down and so disempowered they are truly defenseless and helpless and will give in to the perpetrator every time. Turning to prayer might seem like a faint answer, an unlikely solution bringing only faint hope but very little certainty. We can tell you that changing a psychopath can be a lifelong process if success is possible at all. This is for many reasons beyond your understanding, mostly to do with the long karmic legacy involved, that it takes so much work to undo all the karmic underpinnings of this extreme state of disarray and disconnection that it is simply a daunting and lengthy task to unweave all the connecting threads because they will involve so many other individuals who cannot be harmed. So we cannot help someone like a psychopath by transferring their negativity, their defects to others—all of those underpinnings need to be healed, and for everyone. So, in a sense, many such individuals will only be raised up in the final steps in the healing of humanity as a whole. The lesson to take from the story of the psychopaths and the challenge they represent to healing is that this is an iconic representation of what your world will be like in the absence of God. That is where atheism leads, to a world of psychopaths, so anyone who raises the question, "What has God done for me lately?" needs to know that while the world is a difficult environment and there are many bad actors, there are havens with loving representatives of the divine in physical form who they can partner with and live a sane and happy existence—that is a testament to faith and it is time for all to get on board with that idea. Learning and using the Lightworker Healing Protocol is a further advancement and strengthening in the steps an individual can take to help themselves, their loved ones, and the broader world, including all of the bad actors, the psychopaths among human culture as well as the interlopers, the dark spirits, the extraterrestrials who are all psychopaths in their makeup. It is a tremendous healing need standing in the way of human happiness, success, and advancement. That Protocol is the answer for saving and healing humanity because of its many uses of leverage to empower a human being to do far more than has ever been possible in world history. If you learn about it and use it, you will be a change agent of the first magnitude for finally achieving human progress that is meaningful and long-lasting.