DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionIs genuine self-confidence really a certainty about the invulnerability of one’s being, one’s consciousness, one’s mind? It is clear that there is a widespread belief that the mind is not only vulnerable but fragile. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Again, what this question is reflecting is the general state of affairs in human society of today in having but a superficial appreciation and understanding of what constitutes a human being. What is prized are the attributes most sought to carry out the mundane practicalities of human survival and not the deeper characteristics and attributes that are a function of how great a connection to the divine is still present, how great an intuitive grasp might make a person have deeper insight and awareness than average and be a source of wisdom, good judgment, and heightened creativity because all are divine attributes accessible intuitively to draw on. It is all an exercise in consciousness, so anything involved with thinking, either in a superficial sense or in a deep intuitive sense, involves consciousness. The workings of the mind perceived by the average individual are fairly mundane, in many ways akin to a data recorder and simple computer program to sort information into categories for later retrieval, and to record a series of facts and a working knowledge of practical functions and activities that, once understood, can be practiced and utilized again and again to take care of chores, maintenance duties, to learn a trade requiring repetitive actions and strategies from the simple to the highly detailed and intricate but nonetheless a routine learned by rote many times. This leaves much undone for which human ingenuity can be applied to create new visions and possibilities and strive for ways to fill the gap in knowledge, in capability, to bring into reality what was once only dreamed of and seemed even wildly improbable. In many ways, the mind is fragile because thoughts are easily perturbed by emotion and can be overridden if there is an emotional imperative and even lead to a meltdown where a person could become non-functional altogether or even become catatonic, unable to respond to any outside stimuli as a strategy to escape the perceived stress of the environment—the ultimate in fragility perhaps. All human beings know the pain of humiliation and regret and all have experienced fear, and all have experienced an ongoing state of anxiety that is emblematic of the human condition, living with a level of mind disconnected from conscious awareness but worrying mightily about many, many things on an ongoing basis, and this is the real source of the so‑called angst or background anxiety that is universal. The many ways the mind can be perturbed to interfere with happiness and with useful productivity are a testament to the uncertainties of life, and that fragility is indeed a human characteristic of great importance because of the consequences. Many lives in fact are shortened from the chronic stress of the mental strain in coping with life and its ups and downs and threats to wellbeing and integrity of the self, even with regard to one’s reputation and standing in the hierarchy of society, let alone physical survival. The poor track record of mental health strategies and therapies to not only fail in reversing much severe mental illness but to even bring ultimate relief for the anxieties of the average person, even after a long-term dedicated effort, speaks to the toll taken on the mind by life’s hazards and the vulnerability of people to being compromised from things perturbing thoughts and feelings. This is almost entirely a consequence of having an abnormal disconnect within levels of the mind so the different parts of your consciousness cannot speak to one another and are unaware of one another in a total integrated sense, and this creates ongoing unavoidable inner conflict and great stress that will take a toll over time unavoidably and inevitably, and this is because your consciousness is all-important, it is what makes you human after all, having a self-awareness as well as perceiving your surroundings and a deep inner awareness and recognition of something beyond the self that is all-important, namely your connection to the divine—that is not something simply learned through an automatic iterative process of trial and error responding to stimuli and eventually learning how to make things happen and get along in the world, learning by doing in an endless series of repetitive steps, and eventually figuring out what works well enough to get by or even attain a high level of proficiency. The human makeup is much deeper than can be explained or created through a primitive learning system with a feedback loop to accomplish things by trial and error alone. There are too many higher functions that are inexplicable but innately expressed by human beings that are simply taken for granted and not appreciated by science for what they truly represent. So this is a kind of enigma, that even though humans are a living, breathing, walking miracle, they are so very vulnerable and so easily perturbed and rendered inoperative from too great a perturbation. We would say that that tremendous sensitivity and vulnerability are actually both expressions of a deep inner awareness and caring for things of great importance, such that to have them challenged and suppressed deliberately in the face of one’s inner instincts is a huge affront and challenge to the integrity of the being and will be deeply felt as being wrong and harmful and highly inappropriate as well. But of course, that adds considerable additional stress to the extent one is put into an intolerable position by being manipulated and subjugated against their will. We see that reaction as much a strength as a weakness—the divine human will feel it quite keenly when they are expected to act against what is virtuous, so this is a good point of differentiation between the criminal and the human in divine alignment.