DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReincarnationWe have learned that some humans have important mission lives whose primary purpose is not exclusively their own karmic and spiritual issues, but rather an intervention on behalf of humanity for a higher divine purpose—one that may even involve a sacrifice of sorts where the accumulation of negative karma is almost a certainty. In cases where such lives are successful but highly costly in terms of the price paid by the divine agent, like a warplane limping home barely airborne, how is such accumulated negative karma dealt with in future life planning?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a serious issue to be sure. The first thing to understand here is that all human beings enter the earth plane in a physical incarnation to be lightworkers, to serve the cause of love. Whether the primary purpose of the life is to heal the self, there will always be a benefit to the whole of humanity because all are interconnected and what helps one, helps the many. Each person brings in divine light and shines that in the world however they can, whenever they can. They do not do this consciously but it is human nature to be altruistic and that is what the altruistic viewpoint is doing, it is shining love, it is shining light, and making a suggestion of love be brought to bear for whatever the circumstance might be in the moment. That is divine. It is divinity on the march wherever and whenever it happens by the lowliest among you with respect to station in life, prior history, and acceptance by fellow human beings. To us all are worthy, all are divine, and indeed are part of us and we have great love for each and every person. We understand fully who they are, why they were created to be who they are, and what has happened to them to tarnish their beliefs, their hopes and dreams, and their aims in life, and can contrast it continually with the best-laid plans decided on in advance to be worked on. There are many things that happen that bring unexpected challenges. The spirit meddlers, for example, are always out and about wanting to corrupt, engaging with anyone not fully occupied with possessing spirits, and challenging them again, and again, and again with attempts to penetrate their energy field, take up residence, and undermine them from within. Any low moment in dropping one’s guard will likely be met with an infestation. It is very much akin to catching a cold—whenever one has a lowered resistance because of stress, exhaustion physically, and so on, one is more vulnerable to a virus taking hold and blooming to sufficient numbers to cause symptoms, and so on. This happens despite the best planning and requires divine help oftentimes to get back on track and realign with the life purpose. So this is all understood. There are many, many lightworkers coming in with lofty "mission life" plans but given that all are wounded warriors, very much so at this point, this decreases the odds they will be successful because their wounds will get in the way, it makes them vulnerable, and it gives them points of vulnerability that can be exploited by the darkness to diminish them from the outset, even as infants to invade them with spirits who possess them for the duration of the life, undermining them all the way by bullying the deep subconscious and corrupting inner beliefs, reminding them relentlessly of past failures in other lifetimes, and menacing them with visions of all the horrors they have endured in the past coming back again, and on and on. This makes any life daunting and the ability to reach lofty goals less likely. There are legions of famous and successful lightworkers from past eras who have since reincarnated again, and again, and again and each life met with failure to advance in any respect. Some are holding their own and not worsening things for themselves, but others are in decline because the continual rewounding has taken a toll and created such a huge backlog they essentially have a relatively low probability of advancing without karma catching up to them and then being sidelined in a struggle to prevail simply to have a chance at a normal life. Yet people will continually volunteer to come back again, even against these odds of success and knowing they will likely be further wounded and take on greater risk and have greater obligations to repay, and that is because they believe in the cause, they know their divinity will ultimately help them prevail, and that all things are healable so eventually all will find a path back to divine alignment with full restitution and restoration. So in the meantime, they are taking their lumps, so to speak, and trying earnestly to follow their life plan because they are being guided from within and eventually may work out ways to find enough healing to get back on track and be successful in advancing things even if it is in the last chapter, so to speak, as a senior citizen having attained the requisite wisdom to prioritize their life in thinking more of service and the long-term meaning of what the divine wants to see happen and their possible role in bringing that about. It is never too late to contribute. Everything accomplished or resulted in failure to accomplish will be factored in with planning in the light prior to the next incarnation. This puts into perspective once again the high priority need for all people to have the most divine support, help, healing, and protection they can get. That is what is afforded by the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it launches deep karmic repair for these kinds of karmic histories that are the Achilles heel of human beings wanting to help the cause of love and light. Being wounded and thereby vulnerable, all that they can achieve with respect to healing helps them and helps the cause they are supporting. It will help them be stronger and more effective. So this is a very important part of life many are neglecting but can take advantage of the tools available now to turn things around both for themselves and for humanity as a whole.