DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsWe know from past channelings that Creator and the divine realm value free will and have a hands-off policy. Since humans are called to be more divine in just about every way, is it appropriate for individuals to adopt the same hands-off policy, and just let people do what they want without HUMAN interference?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
You are seeing enacted within your world the consequences of unbridled freedom when there is a lack of divine alignment in what people feel and do. This is the legacy of the darkness creeping into your galaxy as a consequence of the fallen angels and their fall from grace described in the Bible. They have been on a downward path ever since and have corrupted many worlds and many groups of intelligent beings including humanity. It is the hallmark of depravity to encourage wrongdoing. What you describe is a counteracting force and whether to apply it or not. The question can be reduced to one of safety: "How are you to survive and flourish if unbridled freedom becomes corrupted with darkness and people lose their moral alignment and begin to act as criminals?" It is only reasoned judgment and discernment behind seeing such conduct as starting on a slippery slope that will lead to disaster—if it is not checked in time, things will tend to worsen and escalate. This is a commonly observed sequence where people start out as teenagers with petty crimes such as shoplifting, writing graffiti on buildings, and perhaps minor acts of vandalism that are more classed as high jinks than a serious threat to the workings of society. But the trajectory all too often is that as they grow older into adulthood, their criminal tendencies grow with them and then it is on to car theft, reckless endangerment, driving while intoxicated, assault and battery, burglary, breaking and entering, and so on. Things can worsen from there to include acts of violence and murder. The fact that the criminal justice system has not effectively prevented this progression in its punishment of citizens who are caught committing wrongdoing and subjected to a penalty does not mean it is wise to throw up one’s hands and say, "Well nothing will really truly help, so we might as well just let nature take its course." That is truly a prescription for disaster given the history here that such individuals exist in society in significant numbers and if left on their own to do their worst can be counted on to do so, and then there will be many victims, accordingly. In a sense, allowing such conduct to reign without opposition knowing people will be harmed materially is, in effect, signing on to the crime and making a judgment: "It is not worth the time and trouble to become involved." The Law of Karma sees everything that happens being the responsibility of all who are present or even who are aware of the situation and will be watching to see what they do in response. Do they walk away and ignore the problem leaving the problem to fester, perhaps worsen over time, and grow in magnitude resulting in harm to many others? Or do they take some action to help defend their fellow citizens and rein in the evildoer so they will have to face some consequences? You as yet do not have an ideal system to help change such conduct. It is exceedingly difficult in many who are beyond the pale having become functional sociopaths who lack a conscience and can only think in selfish terms. Such hard-core individuals may be a problem all lifelong when they are not locked up. We do not recommend imprisonment when there are paths to rehabilitation, but your system is not prepared to do what it takes to turn such things around, nor are the tools available to you for the most part except the wisdom of a few individuals doing work within the deep subconscious mind and work to change beliefs within a person and the healing of the disconnect from higher self. There needs to be attention paid to what will truly help in such a situation, and that is the deep healing and karmic repair that are the only way to help a person regain divine alignment when heavily corrupted by the forces of evil working from within them to modify their beliefs, close down their connection to the divine realm, and to subject them to harassment and torment by dark spirits commandeered to wreak havoc and carry out a campaign of bullying that will be relentless and severely damaging in many cases. This is why people become savages, it is a consequence of being savaged deep within their mind by spirit beings who have become savages, functionally speaking, having turned away from the light and are seeking to drag everyone and everything down into greater and greater depravity. Humans were created to solve the problem of evil. That will require action and is not served by passive indifference and neglect of one’s duty to speak up, to awaken others to the nature of the problem, and enlist their help so people can work together in common cause to right the wrongs being inflicted on humanity by the interlopers. These are not simple problems, but you are not alone either. The answer is to partner with Creator so you will develop the wherewithal to make meaningful change in those causing problems. This starts with taking action whenever there is wrongdoing, to identify the perpetrator, and constrain them in some way to limit further injury. This is simply the recognition you have responsibility for everything that happens on your watch and you will reckon with karma when you choose to do nothing.