DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsWhile divine life force energy emerges as love from the divine can it, like fresh milk poured into a dirty container, become “spoiled” quickly, losing its pleasant palatability and emerging as stress and anxiety rather than joy and inspiration? We’ve learned that the fallen angelics relish life force energy that is altered and made discordant through both emotional and physical pain and suffering. Can Creator explain how something emerging as positive and rejuvenating can be altered so readily into something noxious? And how can this be appealing to ANY being?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This question contains within it a misunderstanding of the energies being described. The life force energy is basic housekeeping energy. It is suffused with consciousness and love from Creator as well. That is utilized by the human host, but humans create various outlets for use of the energy and experiencing their life in various ways. This involves both thoughts and feelings. When humans choose to suffer because of their circumstances, the consciousness that is generated and modulated by the dark, negative emotions they undergo, changes the characteristics of that energy accordingly. It is that human-generated byproduct of life that the dark spirits crave because its vibration is lower, it is more a match to their energies. They cannot connect to, any longer, the high-level, high frequency, divine life force energy beaming directly to human beings. They must settle for what they can absorb secondarily from human beings taking in the life force energy and utilizing it within their system on multiple levels both through conscious awareness, the workings of the subconscious mind, the workings of the bodily systems, all of which contains consciousness of a sort down to the cellular level with an ongoing awareness there as well. There are many types of discord in the average person in their physical makeup as a consequence of karmic issues from parallel lifetimes primarily, as well as the current lifetime creating an energetic dilemma where disappointments, woundings, personal failings cause an energetic disarray and have an impact on the physical body that will house these energies and thereby create a repository of negativity. These are linked through the energy systems because it is how they are formed to begin with. So when the dark spirits impinge on the human energetic makeup, they can gravitate to where the energies are best suited for their personal use and tap into them. They are also adept at stirring up problems for their host and reminding them of past difficulties because the spirits can see what is lodged in the akashic records in multiple lifetimes and bring that into the awareness of the host as a way to bully them—to mock them, taunt them, threaten them, menace them, and overwarn them about how they will likely fail again and the bad times will come again, and so on. It is that dark energy created in response to the inner confrontations and assaults that serves the dark spirit meddlers and allows them energy to persist. It is not a question of appeal; it is a question of already being on such a low-level of existence and ongoing depravity that the energy of unhappiness suits them and can be readily taken in to help maintain their meager existence.