DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolThinking about the ramifications of retrocausal healing can make one’s head hurt. There is a huge “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” question here. The LHP practitioner was able to identify the potential need for a retrocausal LHP and felt duty-bound to do one for the sports star. Yet an element of doubt remains about how widely applicable this might be. Foreknowledge of someone’s death is rare. For people we know who have died, wouldn’t doing a retrocausal LHP session be too late? Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help open people’s minds about the amazing teachings of Creator via GetWisdom?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Working to change the past through healing will align things to provide a powerful positive potential that will influence future lifetimes in a positive direction that may turn out to be all-important, and even end a series of failures and tragic endings adding to the accumulated trauma, so it is not at all an idle gesture or faint hope, but a concrete and effective way to continue helping an individual. This is one of the strategies built into the Lightworker Healing Protocol itself, that even someone who has passed away, given the benefit of an LHP session, will not only be healed in ways that will assist their full and effective transition back to the heavenly realm, it will work back in time to remove much negativity that would darken future excursions, in returning in future incarnations as a physical being once again. So it will work to clear the decks for them so they are not back where they started and behind an ever-greater mountain of unhealed karmic debt, but rather have a new dawning to live a different kind of life free of old constraints and impediments from accumulated trauma acting as a hindrance, an albatross around their neck that will drag them down over time, and eventually take them under with an early death, for example. That is a routine part and intention of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to be a part of the person's life journey from start to finish, and then to pick up again in the future whenever they reincarnate, to go to work on their behalf once again, and continue working on the highest priorities that can be a karmic impediment to that progress in the future. There is no better life insurance than a partnership with Creator because that pays dividends all along the way during the current life, and on death continues to help the individual, not just their relatives with a cash payout so they can have some enjoyment courtesy of the deceased. The healing benefits will grow and continue being effected across multiple timelines and bringing a karmic future greatly enhanced when that would not happen otherwise. They would simply have to come back and pay the piper and return to a life of struggle and difficulty most typical of the average human being, who never heals anything deeply, because there is no appreciation for what is truly needed nor the tools made available. That is what Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are bringing to a turning point in history that will allow humanity, for the first time, to have a true turning point for the better, where lives that are lived will get better and better, and that will add greatly to a more positive future potential that will ensure human victory in the triumph over evil. The only catch is there must be enough human participation to launch enough intention for those tools to create that positive future potential with a sufficient magnitude to outweigh the darkness, finally, and gain the upper hand. There is a plan in place and underway for which the current practitioners using Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are adding steadily to a growing body of intention being deployed on behalf of everyone, and the perpetrators, in particular, because here again a key piece of the story of what is causing the human dilemma has been denied you. You are suffering because you are being made to suffer by perpetrators, interlopers in your realm, dark spirits and extraterrestrial beings making the world worse, disrupting your lives and corrupting your beliefs, and working steadily to undermine happiness. This takes a toll and sends you backward rather than making progress, so dealing with the perpetrators in your midst is the highest priority. If they can be persuaded to withdraw for a time, that will provide a window allowing human healing to be done in earnest and make up for lost time to reach a higher plateau. Then, and only then, will there be a magnificent ascension of humanity to a higher dimension. That will be the true turning point for success in your struggle against the dark. Ascension will not happen until humanity is healed, and humanity will not be healed until the perpetrators are healed enough to take away the headwinds that are holding you back across the board and threaten your annihilation within the next few years. The stakes could not be higher, but the advantages to you could not be greater than to join forces with your brethren and contribute your mind and heart simply to the intention for divine healing to reach everyone everywhere, through these focused and specific tools for learning and growth, and bringing divine love to bear on all problems everywhere. If you do your part, humanity can win the day and you will be among victors.