DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsFrankl wrote: “The meaning of life always changes, but … it never ceases to be.” How can Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol help bridge the gap between a life of spiritual emptiness, and one of great meaning, even in the most difficult of circumstances?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
All we have spoken about and explained through the mirror held up by Viktor Frankl and the insights he had from his great struggle in the time of the Holocaust is about the dilemma of not being in divine alignment. That was the reason for the Holocaust in the first place. Wherever you might be and whatever the state of the world around you, you have your inner state of being to ponder as well. It will be easier to control than the outer world, but changing the world follows from changing within. This has always been true, it is those who think alike who can act alike and change the world as a consequence. People need healing to expand and grow towards reaching their full potential. You are never done, because there is always more that can be accomplished, but it is a far better life lived when there is learning and growth than when there is stagnation and decay. We are talking about a healing journey here; that is what brings the learning and the growth. Overcoming the obstacles within will enable that to happen, encourage it, and help you do your best. You will be the strongest and most effective, most happy and most successful when you are living in a divine partnership so we are walking at your side, and a continual resource you can call on for help of all kinds. This is done quite nicely through prayer if you pray in the right way for the right things. This is why we have helped your channel with a set of recommended prayers that cover all of the major areas of life and the needs you have, to not only keep going and survive, but surmount the difficulty you face to become strong, capable, and effective so you will be the most successful person you can be. The greatest obstacle is always the wounding that has accumulated and that represents a huge karmic backlog of negativity. This is like having a personal anchor that is always dragging in the mud behind you, so that whatever you try to do, whatever you wish to reach, may well end up being beyond your grasp through the inertia that great weight of negativity represents. There is more healing needed than you can do in a lifetime. That can be accelerated through using the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it is designed to be the most effective form of personal empowerment, to partner with the divine in an active way for personal healing and including as well, all who have influenced you through the ages. You are all in this together and, in fact, your tormentors, the interlopers who manipulate the world and have harmed you again and again and again personally, need healing every bit as much and more than you do. If you use the Lightworker Healing Protocol, it will be sending healing help for them. If you have someone’s knee on your neck and they are too heavy to shift, healing that person so they withdraw will solve your immediate need. Healing the perpetrators is the most powerful and effective way to save and heal humanity. Once the bullies are gone, you will have plenty of time to lick your wounds and recover, even from the hundreds of lifetimes of negativity you have endured, and that live on as a karmic impediment to your progress personally. We want to see humanity thrive and flourish, and we cherish you as a person just as much as anyone else. It is time you learn and come to believe as we do, that you are special, in a special way, and you need special tools to make the most of your life in the physical realm. You cannot be helped through technology or human assistance alone. Your problems are deeper and wider, and the phenomena used by the divine realm for healing such things is beyond your reach in your state of diminishment, but this is your birthright. You are an extension of us and it is only logical to use all the power to which you are connected for your betterment and happiness. The test underway is for you to make the decision. We cannot do it for you. We are waiting for your answer.